A react.js global state manager. Maintains relationships between objects. The idea here is that all you have to do is fetch data and then use it. Once the store is setup correctly, mutations, queries and all other actions will cause state to update wherever necessary with little to no intervention from your side.
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This is an implimentation of https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jjmyers/object-relationship-store
import {
ORS, // Ref object-relationship-store
createStore, // Ref object-relationship-store
createRelationalObject, // Ref object-relationship-store
createRelationalObjectIndex, // Ref object-relationship-store
withOptions, // Ref object-relationship-store
useStore, // Ref object-relationship-store ReturnType<typeof createStore>
useStoreSelect, // Ref object-relationship-store store.select()
useStoreIndex, // Ref object-relationship-store store.selectIndex()
} from "@jjmyers/api-store"
* To setup the store and all store related operations
* Check object-relationship-store
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jjmyers/object-relationship-store
// Once you have gone through object-relationship-store and you have created a store
const store = createStore()
<RelationalStoreProvider store={store}>
type From = "user" | "wishlist" | "product"
// Example useage
const query = useQuery<From, User, User>({
// Enable fetch on mount, by default it's true
// Optional
// Default TRUE
enabled: true,
// Optionally add a fetch to get data on mount
fetch: () => GetData.request({user: 10}),
// Select the data from the fetch result that is the object we expect
// Optional
getData: (fetchResult) => fetchResult.user
* The selector here is from object-relationship-store
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jjmyers/object-relationship-store
* This is the same selector object
select: {
from: "user",
where: { id: 10 },
fields: ["id", "wishlist"],
join: [{
on: "wishlist",
fields: ["id", "products"],
join: [{ on: "products", fields: "*" }]
const {
state, // A piece of state that was selected (Will cause state to update if the object changes)
result, // The result from the fetch (State will not change, this is just the raw result from the fetch)
error, // If there was an error, undefined otherwise
isFetching, // Is fetching, Happens on mount and when refetch() is called
refetch, // Refetch the data
} = query
const infiniteQuery = useInfiniteQuery({
index: "homeFeed-home",
getData: r => r.data,
getNextPageParams: r => r.nextParams,
fetch: nextParams => fakePaginatingFetch(posts, nextParams),
enabled: true // Default is true
// select: {} // Optionally you can pass select here or it will just select the object with no joins.
const {
state, // A piece of state that was selected (Will cause state to update if the object changes)
error, // If there was an error, undefined otherwise
isLoading, // Happens only on mount
isFetching, // When fetchNextPage() is called
fetchNextPage, // Fetch the next page
refresh // Clear the index and reinitialize the hook. Basically reset.
} = infiniteQuery;
* NOTE: fakeFetch() returns the object that was passed in
* Imagine a post = {id: 10}
* const result = fakeFetch({id: 10})
* console.log(result) // Will print "{id: 10}"
* We used __identify__ here, if you read
* https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jjmyers/object-relationship-store
* You'll understand why
* Similarly, you can add the result from the mutation to an
* index by passing __indexes__
* Or you can delete the object by passing __destroy__
const updatePost = useMutation({ mutate: () => fakeFetch({ id: 10, createdAt: "Updated", __identify__: "post" }) })
const {
mutate, // A function to start the mutation
error, // If error, otherwise undefined
isLoading // If the mutation is fetching
} = updatePost
* Below is an example of a few things you can do in a mutation
* If you read https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jjmyers/object-relationship-store, it will make more sense if it's not clear.
const updatePost = useMutation({ mutate: () => fakeFetch({ id: 10, createdAt: "Updated", __identify__: "post" }) })
const createPost = useMutation({ mutate: () => fakeFetch({ id: 10, __identify__: "post", __indexes__: ["homeFeed-home"] }) })
const deletePost = useMutation({ mutate: () => fakeFetch({ id: 10, __identify__: "post", __destroy__: true }) })