Tags: JuliaLangSlack/Slack.jl
## Slack v0.1.2 **Closed issues:** - TODO: add attachment function test (#2) - Remove the Hardcoded endpoint. (#5) - Feature request: add a wrapper to get conversation history (#9) - Documentation is not deployed (#10) - Any plans to support sending files? (#11) - Add tagbot (#13) - Old zlib dependency, which is not using proper artifact installation. (#15) **Merged pull requests:** - [ImgBot] Optimize images (#1) (@imgbot[bot]) - [ImgBot] Optimize images (#3) (@imgbot[bot]) - Update README.md (#6) (@Patriciasparreo) - Update README.md (#7) (@Patriciasparreo) - Add docs hosted on GitHub pages (#8) (@soumitradev) - Add `sendfiletoslack` function (#12) (@hyrodium) - Adding CompatHelper and TagBot (#14) (@racinmat) - Raised dependencies (#16) (@racinmat)