Hello everyone, welcome back to the backend master class! In the
previous lecture, we implemented the UpdateUser
RPC, however,
it's not secure yet, so anyone can call the API to change the
data of any other user. So today, let's learn how to add an
authorization layer to protect this API, and make sure that only
the user owner can change its information.
Alright, let's start by creating a new file called
inside the gapi
package. In this file,
I'm gonna add a new method to the Server
struct. Let's
call it authorizeUser()
. This function will take a context
object as input, and will return a token.Payload
and an error
object as output.
package gapi
import (
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
If you still remember, a token.Payload
is an object that we
used to create the access token.
type Payload struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
Username string `json:"username"`
IssuedAt time.Time `json:"issued_at"`
ExpiredAt time.Time `json:"expired_at"`
It contains some information about the user, such as the username,
and the expiration time of the token. So, in this function, we
will verify the access token to make sure it's valid. And if it
is, we will return the token payload to the RPC handler, to
let it know which user is calling the API. Normally the access
token will be sent by the client inside the metadata, so first,
we have to call metadata.FromIncomingContext()
to get the
data stored inside the context. This function will return a
metadata object, and a boolean ok
. If it's not OK, then it
means the metadata is not provided. In this case, we just
return a nil
payload, and an error: "missing metadata".
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing metadata")
What we're doing now is, in fact, pretty similar to what we've
done in lecture 44, where we fetch the client's user agent and
IP address from the metadata. So, we can use the md.Get()
function to get a specific header value stored inside the
metadata. As a general rule, the access token should be sent
via the Authorization
header. Therefore, I'm gonna define a
constant for it at the top of this file.
const (
authorizationHeader = "authorization"
Then, here, let's call md.Get()
to get the value of the
header. Note that this function returns an array
of strings, so let's store it inside the values
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing metadata")
values := md.Get(authorizationHeader)
And we should check if this array is empty or not. If the
length of values
is 0, we return nil
payload, and an error
saying "missing authorization header". Otherwise, the auth header
will be the first item of the array.
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
values := md.Get(authorizationHeader)
if len(values) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing authorization header")
authHeader := values[0]
As we've learned in lecture 22, the authorization header's
value should be a string with prefix Bearer
followed by a
space, and the access token. Here, Bearer
is the
authorization type, and access token is the authorization
data. The reason we use this format is,the server might
support multiple types of authorization schemes.
Alright, so in order to get the token, we have to split this
auth header by spaces. The standard strings
package already
provided the Fields
function for this purpose. We expect the
output fields array to have 2 items, 1 containing the Bearer
string, and 1 containing the access token. So if its length
is less than 2, we return an error: "invalid authorization
header format". Else, the first field is gonna be the
authorization type. I will convert it to lowercase to make it
easier to compare.
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
authHeader := values[0]
fields := strings.Fields(authHeader)
if len(fields) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid authorization header format")
authType := strings.ToLower(fields[0])
Let's say our server only supports Bearer
token type for now.
So I'm gonna define a constant for it at the top,
const (
authorizationHeader = "authorization"
authorizationBearer = "bearer"
then here, if auth types is not bearer
, we simply return an
error saying "unsupported authorization type".
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
authType := strings.ToLower(fields[0])
if authType != authorizationBearer {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported authorization type: %s", authType)
Otherwise, the access token should be the second item in the
array. We're gonna verify it by calling
. This function will return
a token payload and an error. If error is not nil
, we will
return a nil
payload and an error with the message "invalid
access token". Finally, if everything goes well, we just
return the payload and a nil
func (server *Server) authorizeUser(ctx context.Context) (*token.Payload, error) {
accessToken := fields[1]
payload, err := server.tokenMaker.VerifyToken(accessToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid access token: %s", err)
return payload, nil
To recall, the VerifyToken
method is part of the TokenMaker
interface, and we've learned how to implement it using JWT
and PASETO in lecture 19 and 20 of the course. It's pretty
simple! We just decrypt the token string with the symmetric
key to get back the payload. If it fails to decrypt then the
provided token is invalid. Otherwise, the payload.Valid()
is called to check whether the token has expired or not.
func (maker *PasetoMaker) VerifyToken(token string) (*Payload, error) {
payload := &Payload{}
err := maker.paseto.Decrypt(token, maker.symmetricKey, payload, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidToken
err = payload.Valid()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return payload, nil
Alright, now the authorizedUser()
method is ready, we can go
back to the RPC UpdateUser
handler to use it. At the top of
the function, let's call server.authorizedUser()
with the
input context and save the output to the authPayload
variables. If error is not nil
, we should return an
error with an unauthenticated status code to the client.
func (server *Server) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, req *pb.UpdateUserRequest) (*pb.UpdateUserResponse, error) {
authPayload, err := server.authorizeUser(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, unauthenticatedError(err)
Just like what we did for the invalid argument error, I'm gonna
define a separate function for the unauthenticated error
since it's gonna be reused repeatedly in many places. This
function will take an error as its input argument, and also
return an error as output. But the output error is gonna be
transformed to include a gRPC status code Unauthenticated
as well as an "unauthorized" message.
func unauthenticatedError(err error) error {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "unauthorized: %s", err)
OK, with this function in place, now we can simply return a
payload and unauthenticated error here.
func (server *Server) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, req *pb.UpdateUserRequest) (*pb.UpdateUserResponse, error) {
authPayload, err := server.authorizeUser(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, unauthenticatedError(err)
You can notice that the auth payload is not used yet. For
now, if the user doesn't provide an access token, or if the
provided token is invalid or expired, the rest of the codes
will not be executed, and the client will get an Unauthenticated
status code.
However, it doesn't stop 1 user from using their own access
token to update the information of other users. This is when
the auth payload comes into play! So, after validating the
request parameters, we will check if authPayload.Username
is the same as the Username
provided in the request or not.
If they are different, we will return a nil
payload, an
error with PermissionDenied
status code and a message saying
"cannot update other user's info".
func (server *Server) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, req *pb.UpdateUserRequest) (*pb.UpdateUserResponse, error) {
if authPayload.Username != req.GetUsername() {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "cannot update other user's info")
Alright, now the UpdateUser
API is fully protected. You can
also implement this authorization logic using a gRPC interceptor,
but if you do that, it won't work for the HTTP gateway, and you
will have to implement a separate HTTP middleware as well.
However, in our case, since we implement this logic inside the RPC handler method, it will work out of the box for both gRPC & HTTP gateway server.
Let's try to run the server and test it!
make server
go run main.go
2022/09/14 16:48:53 db migrated successfully
2022/09/14 16:48:53 start gRPC server at [::]:9090
2022/09/14 16:48:53 start HTTP gateway server at [::]:8080
OK, both gRPC and HTTP gateway server is ready to serve
requests on different ports. First, I'm gonna test the
HTTP server. Here's the UpdateUser
request we added to
Postman in the last lecture.
I'm gonna change the full name field to "New Alice" and send this request with no authorization header.
As you can see, we've got a 401 Unauthorized
status code,
with a message saying: "unauthorized, missing authorization
header". So we have to add the bearer access token to the
header of this request.
Let's open the Authorization
tab, and select Bearer Token
as authorization type.
Then, we can put the access token inside this Token
input box.
Let's temporarily set it to "abc" for now.
Then, in the Headers
tab, we will see a new Authorization
header show up, with the value "Bearer abc".
So now you know why we have the authorization header constant like this
const (
authorizationHeader = "authorization"
in the code.
Note that it doesn't matter if you use lowercase or uppercase for the header name, because internally, gRPC will convert it to lowercase.
func (md MD) Get(k string) []string {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
return md[k]
OK, now let's try sending this request with an invalid token.
Voilà! This time, we still got 401 Unauthorized
status code,
but with a different message: "invalid access token".
In order to get a valid access token, we have to call the login user API. Then copy this value of the access token from the response body
and paste it to the Token
input box of the Authorization
Now, if we resend the request, we will get a successful response.
The full name has been updated to "New Alice" as we expected.
So the HTTP API is working perfectly!
However, it's quite inconvenient to test the API if we have to
copy the access token over every time we relogin or refresh it.
A better way to do this is to use the Collection variables
feature of Postman.
So, in the LoginUser
API, let's open the Tests
It's where we can write some scripts to test the response of the API. There are several examples of the test scripts here, I'm gonna select this test to check status code is 200.
It will add this small piece of code to the Test
pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {
which will verify that the request is successful. Now let's try to add some more code to get the access token from the response and add it to the collection variables.
First, we will call JSON.parse()
to parse the response
body. Then we use the pm.collectionValues.set()
to set the access token's value to jsonData.access_token
Note that this field name must match the one we received
in the response body.
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.collectionVariables.set("access_token", jsonData.access_token)
OK, let's resend the request. It's successful.
And we can check the test result in this tab.
It passed. So now, if we click on the collection name, and open
its Variables
list, we will see there's a new variable named
"access_token", and its current value is one we've got in the
login user's response.
Now, we can use this variable in the UpdateUser
API. Just
replace this hard-coded value with the access_token
We can refer to it using a pair of double curly brackets like
OK, now let's try updating the email
to "new_alice@gmail.com"
and resend the request.
It's successful! Excellent.
So the HTTP gateway server is working properly.
How about gRPC?
We can also test gRPC API with Postman, although it's still a BETA feature at the time I record this video.
To use it, we just have to click on this New
button on
the left-hand side menu, next to My Workspace
and select
gRPC Request
The first thing we need to do is to enter the URL of the
gRPC server. As you've seen in the logs, our local gRPC
server is running on port 9090
. So I'm gonna put
After doing so, all available RPCs on the server will show up in the method box.
Let's try the LoginUser
RPC first. In the message input box,
we can write a normal JSON object, so let's set username to
"alice", and password to "secret". Then click this "Invoke"
button to send the request.
Voilà, the request is successful. And we can see all the returned data in the response. It looks pretty similar to the body of the HTTP request, except for some timestamp fields.
OK, now let's copy the access token. And let's save this request
with this name: "Login User RPC". We can't store this request
in the Simple Bank
collection because that collection is for
HTTP requests only. So I'm gonna create a new collection called
Simple Bank gRPC
Alright, now the new collection has been created with the "Logic User RPC".
To create a new request, we can click this button and select
"Add Request", then gRPC request
I'm gonna rename it to "Update User RPC", then change the server
URL to localhost:9090
and select the UpdateUser
Next, in the message, let's try changing the username to "alice", and full name to "Alice" as well.
If we invoke the method now, we will get an error message saying
"missing authorization header" and the status code is
16 Unauthenticated
To fix this, let's open the Metadata
tab, and add a new key:
with the value: Bearer abc
. Let's test this
invalid token to see what happens.
We still got 16 Unauthenticated
, but the message is now "token
is invalid". So it seems to be working well. Now I'm gonna
paste in the valid access token we got from "Login User RPC"
before and invoke the method one more time.
This time, the request is successful, and full name have been
updated. Exactly as we wanted. We can also add email to the
message to change it to alice@gmail.com
and resend the request.
Then voilà, the email has been updated to the new value.
And that brings us to the end of this video. Today we've
successfully added the authorization layer to the gRPC server
to protect our UpdateUser
I hope you find it interesting and useful. Thanks a lot for watching! Happy learning, and see you in the next lecture.