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Implement background worker in Go with Redis and asynq

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Hello everyone, welcome to the backend master class. So far we've implemented a lot of APIs for our simple bank project. However, they're all synchronous APIs, this means when the client sends a request to the server, that request will be processed immediately by the server, and the result will be returned to the client synchronously.

Although it works for most cases, in real-world project, sometimes we cannot process the request immediately, maybe because it might take a long time to complete, and we don't want to force the client to wait. Or maybe it's something we just want to schedule to be executed in the future.

Whatever the reason is, one thing for sure is, we will need a mechanism to process some kind of task asynchronously.

Use Go routines

One possible solution is simply using Go routines to process the task in the background.

It's very easy to implement, but the drawback of this strategy is, the tasks basically live inside the process's memory, so if the server suddenly goes down, then all of the unprocessed tasks will be lost.

Use message broker & background workers

A better design would be sending the tasks to a queue of a message broker, then having a set of background workers keep polling the queue to get the tasks and process them. One very popular and efficient message broker is Redis. Redis stores its data both in memory and persistent storage, and when running on production with Redis sentinel or Redis cluster, we can be confident that our message broker is highly available, and the tasks we send to the queue won't be lost.

OK, today we're gonna implement this asynchronous worker for 1 specific use case: send validation email.

The idea is, after creating a user, we will send a welcome email to the user with a verification link. This will allow users to confirm that they really own the provided email address.

There are 3 steps: first, create a user record in the database, second, push a new send-email task to the Redis queue, and finally launch the background workers to pick up the task from the queue and process it.

Alright, let's start!

In the gapi package, let's open the rpc_create_user.go file. Here we can find the implementation of the CreateUser API that we've written in lecture 42. And in the request, there's a field to allow user to specify their email address. So after calling the store to create a new user record in the DB, we will send a verification email to the user here.

	user, err :=, arg)
	if err != nil {
		if pqErr, ok := err.(*pq.Error); ok {
			switch pqErr.Code.Name() {
			case "unique_violation":
				return nil, status.Errorf(codes.AlreadyExists, "username already exists: %s", err)
		return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to create user: %s", err)

	// Send verify email to user
    rsp := &pb.CreateUserResponse{
        User: convertUser(user),

And to do it asynchronously, we're gonna use an open source package called asynq. It is a simple, reliable and efficient distributed task queue library, which enable us to enqueue and process task asynchronously using background workers. It is backed by Redis, and is designed to be easily scalable. This is a high level overview of how Asynq works:

First, the client put tasks on a Redis queue. We can define multiple queues with different priorities. Then, the server will pull tasks from the queues and start a worker go routine to process each task. Therefore, the tasks are process concurrently by multiple workers. This design allows us to easily horizontal scale the number of worker servers whenever needed. Asynq also provides a lot of features that we often need when developing an asynchronous task processing system, such as: guaranteed at least one execution of a task, scheduling a task, retries of failed task, weighted priority queues, deduplication of tasks, set timeout and deadline for each task, support Redis cluster and Redis sentinels for high availability, and many other useful features that you can explore on your own. Note that this library is still under heavy development, and it hasn't reached version 1 release yet, so you should be prepared for some breaking API changes. However, with almost 5K GitHub stars, you can be confident that this is a very good library to use in your project.

OK, now I'm gonna install the package by running this go get command in the terminal

go get -u

After it is installed, its name will show up in the indirect requirement list of the go.mod file v1.0.0 // indirect v0.23.0 // indirect v1.1.12 // indirect

It's indirect because we're not using it in our code yet.

So let's create a new package called worker at the root of our project. And in this package, I'm gonna create a new file: distributor.go. This file will contain the codes to create tasks and distribute them to the workers via Redis queue.

To make the code more generic and easier to mock and test, I'm gonna define a TaskDistributor interface.

type TaskDistributor interface {

Then we will write a separate RedisTaskDistributor struct that implements the interface.

type RedisTaskDistributor struct {

This is similar to what we've done in the database layer, where we have a generic Store interface, and a SQLStore struct that implements the interface. Using interface allows us to mock its functionality for unit testing.

type Store interface {
	TransferTx(ctx context.Context, arg TransferTxParams) (TransferTxResult, error)

type SQLStore struct {
	db *sql.DB

OK, back to the RedisTaskDistributor. First I'm gonna add an asynq.Client object as one of its inner field.

type RedisTaskDistributor struct {
	client *asynq.Client

We will use this client later to send the task to Redis queue.

Now as the asynq package is imported, if we run "go mod tidy" in the terminal, and check the go.mod file, we will see that asynq has been moved to the list of direct dependencies. v2.10.0 v0.23.0 v1.10.5

Next, let's add a function to create a new RedisTaskDistributor. It will take a Redis client option object as input argument, and will return a TaskDistributor interface as output.

func NewRedisTaskDistributor(redisOpt asynq.RedisClientOpt) TaskDistributor {

I'll explain why we return an interface here in a moment. In this function, first we will create a new client by calling asynq.NewClient(), and pass in the Redis option. Then, we return a pointer to a RedisTaskDistributor object, whose client field is the one we've just created above. Now, as you can see, we're returning a specific object, while in the function definition, the return data type is an interface. The reason we're doing this is, we're forcing the RedisTaskDistributor to implement the TaskDistributor interface. If it doesn't implement all required functions of the interface, the compiler will complain.

func NewRedisTaskDistributor(redisOpt asynq.RedisClientOpt) TaskDistributor {
	client := asynq.NewClient(redisOpt)
	return &RedisTaskDistributor{
		client: client,

Alright, now I'm gonna create a new file for the task "Send Verify Email" (task_send_verify_email.go). In this file, let's define a PayloadSendVerifyEmail struct.

type PayloadSendVerifyEmail struct {

This struct will contain all data of the task that we want to store in Redis, and later, the worker will be able to retrieve it from the queue. In this case, we should store the Username of the user we want to send the email to. In fact, just the Username is enough for the worker to retrieve all information of the user from the database. But you can always add more fields to this struct if you want.

type PayloadSendVerifyEmail struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`

Now let's go back to the TaskDistributor interface. I'm gonna add a new method called DistributeTaskSendVerifyEmail. It will have 3 input arguments: a context object, a PayloadSendVerifyEmail, and some asynq options. And it will return an error object as output.

type TaskDistributor interface {
		ctx context.Context,
		payload *PayloadSendVerifyEmail,
		opts ...asynq.Option,
	) error

As soon as we define this new method of the interface, you can see some red lines in the return RedisTaskDistributor statement.

If we change the return type of this function to RedisTaskDistributor, then the error will be gone.

But that also means we're not taking advantages of the automatic type checking feature of the Go compiler. So I'm gonna change it back to TaskDistributor interface. This way, we will know immediately that we will have to add the missing method to the struct. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do now. Let's copy this method's signature, and paste it to the task_send_verify_email.go file. Then, let's add a receiver in front of this function to make it a method of the RedisTaskDistributor struct.

func (distributor *RedisTaskDistributor) DistributeTaskSendVerifyEmail(
	ctx context.Context,
	payload *PayloadSendVerifyEmail,
	opts ...asynq.Option,
) error {

OK, so now, if we go back to the distributor.go file, we will see that the red lines are gone, which means, the RedisTaskDistributor has implemented all required methods of the interface.

Alright, next, let's see how we can create a new task and send it to a Redis queue.

First, I'm gonna call asynq.NewTask() to create a new task. This method requires some input argument, such as a typename string, a payload of type []byte slice, and some asynq options.

So let's declare a constant for the typename. I'm gonna call it TaskSendVerifyEmail. This constant is very important because it's a way for asynq to recognize what kind of task it is distributing or processing.

const TaskSendVerifyEmail ="task:send_verify_email"

Now we can pass the TaskSendVerifyEmail constant into the NewTask function. The next argument is gonna be a []byte slice payload. Since our payload is an object, we will have to serialize it into JSON. To do so, let's use the Marshal function of the json package. This function will return 2 output values: 1 for the jsonPayload slice, and 1 for the error. If error is not nil we will wrap it with this message: "failed to marshal task payload" and return the wrapped error to the caller of the DistributeTaskSendVerifyEmail function. Otherwise, we can simply pass the jsonPayload into the NewTask function. Beside these 2 arguments, we can also pass in some asynq options, which will allow us to control how the task distributed, run or retried. But let's save it for later. For now, we can simply pass in the input options that we receive from the caller. Then let's save the output of this NewTask function in an object named task.

func (distributor *RedisTaskDistributor) DistributeTaskSendVerifyEmail(
	ctx context.Context,
	payload *PayloadSendVerifyEmail,
	opts ...asynq.Option,
) error {
	jsonPayload, err := json.Marshal(payload)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal task payload: %w", err)

    task := asynq.NewTask(TaskSendVerifyEmail, jsonPayload, opts...)

Now we can send this task to a Redis queue. It's pretty simple, just use the distributor.client.EnqueueContext() function and pass in the input context and the created task. There's also an optional parameter for the asynq options, but there's no need to add more here, because we've already added them when creating the task before. The Enqueue function will return 2 outputs: a task info and an error. If error is not nil, we also wrap and return it with this message: "failed to enqueue task". Otherwise, let's write a simple info log here saying "enqueued task". We can also add more information about the task to the log, such as the type of the task, its payload data, the name of the queue it was sent to, and the maximum number of retries in case of failure. Finally, we return nil, which means no error, at the end of the function.

func (distributor *RedisTaskDistributor) DistributeTaskSendVerifyEmail(
	ctx context.Context,
	payload *PayloadSendVerifyEmail,
	opts ...asynq.Option,
) error {

	task := asynq.NewTask(TaskSendVerifyEmail, jsonPayload, opts...)
	info, err := distributor.client.EnqueueContext(ctx, task)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to enqueue task: %w", err)
	log.Info().Str("type", task.Type()).Bytes("payload", task.Payload()).
		Str("queue", info.Queue).Int("max_retry", info.MaxRetry).Msg("enqueued task")
	return nil

And that's it!

We've done with the task creation and distribution. Next, let's learn how to implement the task processor.

It will pick up the tasks from the Redis queue and process them.

In processor.go file, I'm gonna define a TaskProcessor interface. Then the RedisTaskProcessor struct will implement that interface, just like how we did for the task distributor. But this time, the RedisTaskProcessor must contain an asynq.Server object as one of its field. And when processing the task, it will need to access the database, so I'm gonna add one more field for the db.Store to this struct as well.

type TaskProcessor interface {

type RedisTaskProcessor struct {
	server *asynq.Server
	store  db.Store

Now let's write a function to create a new RedisTaskProcessor, which takes 2 input arguments: the first one is a Redis client option to connect to Redis, and the second one is a db.Store interface. This function will return a TaskProcessor interface, so we will have free type checking from the Go's compiler.

func NewRedisTaskProcessor(redisOpt asynq.RedisClientOpt, store db.Store) TaskProcessor {

Inside this function, let's create a new asynq server. We must provide the Redis client option and an asynq.Config{} object as input. This config object allow us to control many different parameters of the asynq server, for example, the maximum number of concurrent processing of tasks,

// Maximum number of concurrent processing of tasks.
// If set to a zero or negative value, NewServer will overwrite the value
// to the number of CPUs usable by the current process.
Concurrency int

the retry delay for a failed task,

// Function to calculate retry delay for a failed task.
// By default, it uses exponential backoff algorithm to calculate the delay.
RetryDelayFunc RetryDelayFunc

a predicate function to determine whether the error returned from the handler is a failure,

// Predicate function to determine whether the error returned from Handler is a failure.
// If the function returns false, Server will not increment the retried counter for the task,
// and Server won't record the queue stats (processed and failed stats) to avoid skewing the error
// rate of the queue.
// By default, if the given error is non-nil the function returns true.
IsFailure func(error) bool

a map of task queues together with their priority values

// List of queues to process with given priority value. Keys are the names of the
// queues and values are associated priority value.
// If set to nil or not specified, the server will process only the "default" queue.
// Priority is treated as follows to avoid starving low priority queues.
// Example:
//     Queues: map[string]int{
//         "critical": 6,
//         "default":  3,
//         "low":      1,
//     }
// With the above config and given that all queues are not empty, the tasks
// in "critical", "default", "low" should be processed 60%, 30%, 10% of
// the time respectively.
// If a queue has a zero or negative priority value, the queue will be ignored.
Queues map[string]int

and many other parameters.

We will gradually learn how to use some of those. For now, just keep it simple by leaving this config empty, which means, we're gonna use asynq's predefined default configurations.

OK, let's return a pointer to a new RedisTaskProcessor object here, whose server field is the server object we've just created, and store field is the input store parameter of this function.

func NewRedisTaskProcessor(redisOpt asynq.RedisClientOpt, store db.Store) TaskProcessor {
	server := asynq.NewServer(

	return &RedisTaskProcessor{
		server: server,
		store: store,

Next, I'm gonna add a function to process the task send verify email to the interface.

It must follow asynq's task handler function signature, so it must take a context, and an asynq.Task object as input, and it must return an error object as output.

type TaskProcessor interface {
	ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error

Alright, now there's some red lines under the return RedisTaskProcessor statement,

that's because it does not implement the new method we've just added to the interface yet.

So let's do that now!

I'm gonna copy this function signature,

ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error

and paste it to the end of the task_send_verify_email.go file. I organize the code this way to make it easier to read, because both the function to distribute and process the task are in the same place.

OK, this time, the function receiver we must add should be of type RedisTaskProcessor. Asynq has already taken care of the core part, which is pulling the task from Redis, and feed it to the background worker to process it via the task parameter of this handler function.

func (processor RedisTaskProcessor) ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {

So now, we need to parse the task to get its payload. I'm gonna define a variable to store this PayloadSendVerifyEmail. We will call the json.Unmarshal() function with input task.Payload(), and the address of the payload variable we declared above. This function might return an error, so if error is not nil, we simply return an error with this message: "failed to unmarshal payload". If task payload is not unmarshallable there's no point of retrying it, and we can tell asynq about that by wrapping the asynq.SkipRetry error here.

func (processor RedisTaskProcessor) ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
	var payload PayloadSendVerifyEmail
	if err := json.Unmarshal(task.Payload(), &payload); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal payload: %w", asynq.SkipRetry)

If there's no error, and the payload is successfully parsed, we can go ahead and retrieve the User record from the database by calling with the input context and payload.Username. It will return a user and an error. If error is not nil, there can be 2 different scenarios. If the error is sql.ErrNoRows, then it means the user doesn't exist. In this case, there's no need to retry, so we also wrap the SkipRetry inside the return error like we did above. In other case, it might be some internal error with the db, so it's retryable. Therefore, we simply wrap the original error with a message "failed to get user" before returning it.

func (processor RedisTaskProcessor) ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
	user, err :=, payload.Username)
	if err != nil {
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			return fmt.Errorf("user doen't exist: %w", asynq.SkipRetry)
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to get user: %w", err)

If no error occurs, then it's time to send the email to the user here.

func (processor RedisTaskProcessor) ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
	user, err :=, payload.Username)
	if err != nil {
		if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
			return fmt.Errorf("user doen't exist: %w", asynq.SkipRetry)
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to get user: %w", err)
	// TODO: send email to user

I'm not gonna really do it now, because it's not the main focus of this video. We will learn about sending real emails in another lecture. For now, let's just write a simple log here saying "processed task". And let's add some more info about the task as well, for example, the type and payload of the task, and also the email address of the user we're sending email to. Finally, we return nil at the end of the function to tell asynq that the task has been processed successfully.

func (processor RedisTaskProcessor) ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error {
	// TODO: send email to user
	log.Info().Str("type", task.Type()).Bytes("payload", task.Payload()).
		Str("email", user.Email).Msg("processed task")
	return nil

OK, so that's how we implement the task handler function. Now, one very important step we must do is, to register that task with the asynq.Server inside the RedisTaskProcessor. That's how we tell asynq the task should be run by which handler function. I'm gonna add a Start() function to the TaskProcessor interface.

type TaskProcessor interface {
	Start() error
	ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(ctx context.Context, task *asynq.Task) error

We will register the task in this function before starting the asynq.Server. The RedisTaskProcessor must implement this new function, so let's copy it here, and add the processor receiver.

func (processor *RedisTaskProcessor) Start() error {

Alright, inside this function, I'm gonna call asynq.NewServerMux() function to create a new mux. You can see that, asynq design is pretty similar to that of the HTTP server. We can use this mux to register each task with its handler function, just like how we use the HTTP mux to register each route with its corresponding HTTP handler function. In this case, we call mux.HandleFunc(), and pass in a pattern of the task, which is the TaskSendVerifyEmail constant we defined before. Then, the handler function of that task should be processor.ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail(). It's the function we've just written a moment ago. If you have more tasks in the future, make sure to go back here and register them.

func (processor *RedisTaskProcessor) Start() error {
	mux := asynq.NewServeMux()
	mux.HandleFunc(TaskSendVerifyEmail, processor.ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail)

Sometimes I forgot to do this, and I just waited but the task never ran. Alright, the final step is to call processor.server.Start(), then pass in the mux object as its only input argument. And return the output error to the caller of this function.

func (processor *RedisTaskProcessor) Start() error {
	mux := asynq.NewServeMux()

	mux.HandleFunc(TaskSendVerifyEmail, processor.ProcessTaskSendVerifyEmail)
	return processor.server.Start(mux)

So, now we've successfully implemented both the task distributor and task processor. We haven't integrated them into our CreateUser API yet, but since this video is already long, I'll save it for the next lecture.

In the meantime, you might try to do it by yourself to see how it goes. We'll do it together in the next video.

I hope you have learned something useful and interesting in this lecture. Thanks a lot for watching, happy learning, and see you in the next one.