The original free-and-open Star Trek console game was THE most played game of the day .... back in the 1970's!
Originally written in B.A.S.I.C, from C/C++, FORTRAN, C#, Python 2 ... and now Python 3, many have been inspired to re-create, improve, and / or simply experiment with the concept.
So far:
Converted from Python 2, to Python 3.
Changed in-system coordinates to simple 'chess like' (b,4 (etc)) references.
Added random event Quips – should make the game a tad more ‘NPC’?
Added that classic sublight / in system propulsion system. Warp speeds engines are now a separate navigational system.
Warp speed selection changes game time. (Thanks Loondas!)
Heavily re-factored for growth, testing, re-use, and maintenance using modern Python.
Video: Game Overview
Original authors did an excellent job - made the modernization a WHOLE LOT easier!
Feel free to do a 'Kirk here - learn how to code a Kobayashi Maru?
Thinking about adding mult-user / networked features? -Then here is a good video to assist with those networking 'Py-spirations.
Enjoy the journey,
-- Randall Nagy
Changed the official PyTrek number from 2020 to 9000 to better support age-nostic updates & enhancements. Same for the Game
Class in
To play PyTrek 9000:
>>> from PyTrek import PyTrek1
-will automaticall run this TUI universal.
If you want to support the effort, I seek no donations. Instead, simply feel free to purchase one of my educational or printed productions?