Unless noted, the options in this section are applied to all dev, build, and preview.
- Type:
- Default:
Project root directory (where index.html
is located). Can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the current working directory.
See Project Root for more details.
- Type:
- Default:
- Related:
Base public path when served in development or production. Valid values include:
- Absolute URL pathname, e.g.
- Full URL, e.g.
(The origin part won't be used in development so the value is the same as/foo/
) - Empty string or
(for embedded deployment)
See Public Base Path for more details.
- Type:
- Default:
for serve,'production'
for build
Specifying this in config will override the default mode for both serve and build. This value can also be overridden via the command line --mode
See Env Variables and Modes for more details.
- Type:
Record<string, any>
Define global constant replacements. Entries will be defined as globals during dev and statically replaced during build.
Vite uses esbuild defines to perform replacements, so value expressions must be a string that contains a JSON-serializable value (null, boolean, number, string, array, or object) or a single identifier. For non-string values, Vite will automatically convert it to a string with JSON.stringify
export default defineConfig({
define: {
__APP_VERSION__: JSON.stringify('v1.0.0'),
__API_URL__: 'window.__backend_api_url',
::: tip NOTE
For TypeScript users, make sure to add the type declarations in the env.d.ts
or vite-env.d.ts
file to get type checks and Intellisense.
// vite-env.d.ts
declare const __APP_VERSION__: string
- Type:
(Plugin | Plugin[] | Promise<Plugin | Plugin[]>)[]
Array of plugins to use. Falsy plugins are ignored and arrays of plugins are flattened. If a promise is returned, it would be resolved before running. See Plugin API for more details on Vite plugins.
- Type:
string | false
- Default:
Directory to serve as plain static assets. Files in this directory are served at /
during dev and copied to the root of outDir
during build, and are always served or copied as-is without transform. The value can be either an absolute file system path or a path relative to project root.
Defining publicDir
as false
disables this feature.
See The public
Directory for more details.
- Type:
- Default:
Directory to save cache files. Files in this directory are pre-bundled deps or some other cache files generated by vite, which can improve the performance. You can use --force
flag or manually delete the directory to regenerate the cache files. The value can be either an absolute file system path or a path relative to project root. Default to .vite
when no package.json is detected.
- Type:
Record<string, string> | Array<{ find: string | RegExp, replacement: string, customResolver?: ResolverFunction | ResolverObject }>
Will be passed to @rollup/plugin-alias
as its entries option. Can either be an object, or an array of { find, replacement, customResolver }
When aliasing to file system paths, always use absolute paths. Relative alias values will be used as-is and will not be resolved into file system paths.
More advanced custom resolution can be achieved through plugins.
::: warning Using with SSR
If you have configured aliases for SSR externalized dependencies, you may want to alias the actual node_modules
packages. Both Yarn and pnpm support aliasing via the npm:
- Type:
If you have duplicated copies of the same dependency in your app (likely due to hoisting or linked packages in monorepos), use this option to force Vite to always resolve listed dependencies to the same copy (from project root).
:::warning SSR + ESM
For SSR builds, deduplication does not work for ESM build outputs configured from build.rollupOptions.output
. A workaround is to use CJS build outputs until ESM has better plugin support for module loading.
- Type:
- Default:
['module', 'browser', 'development|production']
Additional allowed conditions when resolving Conditional Exports from a package.
A package with conditional exports may have the following exports
field in its package.json
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./index.mjs",
"require": "./index.js"
Here, import
and require
are "conditions". Conditions can be nested and should be specified from most specific to least specific.
is a special value that is replaced with production
or development
depending on the value of process.env.NODE_ENV
. It is replaced with production
when process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
and development
Note that import
, require
, default
conditions are always applied if the requirements are met.
:::warning Resolving subpath exports
Export keys ending with "/" is deprecated by Node and may not work well. Please contact the package author to use *
subpath patterns instead.
- Type:
- Default:
['browser', 'module', 'jsnext:main', 'jsnext']
List of fields in package.json
to try when resolving a package's entry point. Note this takes lower precedence than conditional exports resolved from the exports
field: if an entry point is successfully resolved from exports
, the main field will be ignored.
- Type:
- Default:
['.mjs', '.js', '.mts', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json']
List of file extensions to try for imports that omit extensions. Note it is NOT recommended to omit extensions for custom import types (e.g. .vue
) since it can interfere with IDE and type support.
- Type:
- Default:
Enabling this setting causes vite to determine file identity by the original file path (i.e. the path without following symlinks) instead of the real file path (i.e. the path after following symlinks).
- Type:
- Related: Content Security Policy (CSP)
A nonce value placeholder that will be used when generating script / style tags. Setting this value will also generate a meta tag with nonce value.
- Type:
interface CSSModulesOptions { getJSON?: ( cssFileName: string, json: Record<string, string>, outputFileName: string, ) => void scopeBehaviour?: 'global' | 'local' globalModulePaths?: RegExp[] exportGlobals?: boolean generateScopedName?: | string | ((name: string, filename: string, css: string) => string) hashPrefix?: string /** * default: undefined */ localsConvention?: | 'camelCase' | 'camelCaseOnly' | 'dashes' | 'dashesOnly' | (( originalClassName: string, generatedClassName: string, inputFile: string, ) => string) }
Configure CSS modules behavior. The options are passed on to postcss-modules.
This option doesn't have any effect when using Lightning CSS. If enabled, css.lightningcss.cssModules
should be used instead.
- Type:
string | (postcss.ProcessOptions & { plugins?: postcss.AcceptedPlugin[] })
Inline PostCSS config or a custom directory to search PostCSS config from (default is project root).
For inline PostCSS config, it expects the same format as postcss.config.js
. But for plugins
property, only array format can be used.
The search is done using postcss-load-config and only the supported config file names are loaded. Config files outside the workspace root (or the project root if no workspace is found) are not searched by default. You can specify a custom path outside of the root to load the specific config file instead if needed.
Note if an inline config is provided, Vite will not search for other PostCSS config sources.
- Type:
Record<string, object>
Specify options to pass to CSS pre-processors. The file extensions are used as keys for the options. The supported options for each preprocessor can be found in their respective documentation:
:- Select the sass API to use with
api: "modern-compiler" | "modern" | "legacy"
is installed, otherwise"modern"
). For the best performance, it's recommended to useapi: "modern-compiler"
with thesass-embedded
package. The"legacy"
API is deprecated and will be removed in Vite 7. - Options (modern)
- Options (legacy).
- Select the sass API to use with
: Options.styl
: Onlydefine
is supported, which can be passed as an object.
export default defineConfig({
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
less: {
math: 'parens-division',
styl: {
define: {
$specialColor: new stylus.nodes.RGBA(51, 197, 255, 1),
scss: {
api: 'modern-compiler', // or "modern", "legacy"
importers: [
// ...
- Type:
string | ((source: string, filename: string) => (string | { content: string; map?: SourceMap }))
This option can be used to inject extra code for each style content. Note that if you include actual styles and not just variables, those styles will be duplicated in the final bundle.
export default defineConfig({
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `$injectedColor: orange;`,
- Experimental: Give Feedback
- Type:
number | true
- Default:
(does not create any workers and run in the main thread)
If this option is set, CSS preprocessors will run in workers when possible. true
means the number of CPUs minus 1.
- Experimental: Give Feedback
- Type:
- Default:
Whether to enable sourcemaps during dev.
- Experimental: Give Feedback
- Type:
'postcss' | 'lightningcss'
- Default:
Selects the engine used for CSS processing. Check out Lightning CSS for more information.
::: info Duplicate @import
Note that postcss (postcss-import) has a different behavior with duplicated @import
from browsers. See postcss/postcss-import#462.
- Experimental: Give Feedback
- Type:
import type {
} from 'lightningcss'
targets?: Targets
include?: Features
exclude?: Features
drafts?: Drafts
nonStandard?: NonStandard
pseudoClasses?: PseudoClasses
unusedSymbols?: string[]
cssModules?: CSSModulesConfig,
// ...
Configures Lightning CSS. Full transform options can be found in the Lightning CSS repo.
- Type:
- Default:
Whether to support named imports from .json
- Type:
boolean | 'auto'
- Default:
If set to true
, imported JSON will be transformed into export default JSON.parse("...")
which is significantly more performant than Object literals, especially when the JSON file is large.
If set to 'auto'
, the data will be stringified only if the data is bigger than 10kB.
- Type:
ESBuildOptions | false
extends esbuild's own transform options. The most common use case is customizing JSX:
export default defineConfig({
esbuild: {
jsxFactory: 'h',
jsxFragment: 'Fragment',
By default, esbuild is applied to ts
, jsx
and tsx
files. You can customize this with esbuild.include
and esbuild.exclude
, which can be a regex, a picomatch pattern, or an array of either.
In addition, you can also use esbuild.jsxInject
to automatically inject JSX helper imports for every file transformed by esbuild:
export default defineConfig({
esbuild: {
jsxInject: `import React from 'react'`,
When build.minify
is true
, all minify optimizations are applied by default. To disable certain aspects of it, set any of esbuild.minifyIdentifiers
, esbuild.minifySyntax
, or esbuild.minifyWhitespace
options to false
. Note the esbuild.minify
option can't be used to override build.minify
Set to false
to disable esbuild transforms.
- Type:
string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
- Related: Static Asset Handling
Specify additional picomatch patterns to be treated as static assets so that:
They will be excluded from the plugin transform pipeline when referenced from HTML or directly requested over
or XHR. -
Importing them from JS will return their resolved URL string (this can be overwritten if you have a
enforce: 'pre'
plugin to handle the asset type differently).
The built-in asset type list can be found here.
export default defineConfig({
assetsInclude: ['**/*.gltf'],
- Type:
'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'silent'
Adjust console output verbosity. Default is 'info'
- Type:
interface Logger { info(msg: string, options?: LogOptions): void warn(msg: string, options?: LogOptions): void warnOnce(msg: string, options?: LogOptions): void error(msg: string, options?: LogErrorOptions): void clearScreen(type: LogType): void hasErrorLogged(error: Error | RollupError): boolean hasWarned: boolean }
Use a custom logger to log messages. You can use Vite's createLogger
API to get the default logger and customize it to, for example, change the message or filter out certain warnings.
import { createLogger, defineConfig } from 'vite'
const logger = createLogger()
const loggerWarn = logger.warn
logger.warn = (msg, options) => {
// Ignore empty CSS files warning
if (msg.includes('vite:css') && msg.includes(' is empty')) return
loggerWarn(msg, options)
export default defineConfig({
customLogger: logger,
- Type:
- Default:
Set to false
to prevent Vite from clearing the terminal screen when logging certain messages. Via command line, use --clearScreen false
- Type:
- Default:
The directory from which .env
files are loaded. Can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the project root.
See here for more about environment files.
- Type:
string | string[]
- Default:
Env variables starting with envPrefix
will be exposed to your client source code via import.meta.env.
should not be set as ''
, which will expose all your env variables and cause unexpected leaking of sensitive information. Vite will throw an error when detecting ''
If you would like to expose an unprefixed variable, you can use define to expose it:
define: {
'import.meta.env.ENV_VARIABLE': JSON.stringify(process.env.ENV_VARIABLE)
- Type:
'spa' | 'mpa' | 'custom'
- Default:
Whether your application is a Single Page Application (SPA), a Multi Page Application (MPA), or Custom Application (SSR and frameworks with custom HTML handling):
: include HTML middlewares and use SPA fallback. Configure sirv withsingle: true
in preview'mpa'
: include HTML middlewares'custom'
: don't include HTML middlewares
Learn more in Vite's SSR guide. Related: server.middlewareMode
- Type:
Record<string, 'warn' | undefined>
- Related: Breaking Changes
Enable future breaking changes to prepare for a smooth migration to the next major version of Vite. The list may be updated, added, or removed at any time as new features are developed.
See the Breaking Changes page for details of the possible options.