This Python Task Scheduler allows users to manage tasks with due dates, mark them as completed, and view reminders for upcoming and overdue tasks.
The Task Scheduler consists of two main classes: 'Task' and 'TaskScheduler'. The 'Task' class represents individual tasks with attributes for title, due date, and completion status. The 'TaskScheduler' class manages a list of tasks and provides methods to add, remove, mark tasks as completed, show tasks, and check reminders.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd task-scheduler
- Install Required Modules:
Ensure you have Python installed. The script uses the standard library 'datetime' for date handling.
# No additional modules required beyond Python's standard library
Once you have cloned the repository and ensured Python is installed:
Follow the on-screen prompts to interact with the Task Scheduler.
The '' script provides a menu-driven interface to perform various operations:
- Add a Task: Enter a task title and due date.
- Show Tasks: Display all tasks currently managed by the scheduler.
- Check Reminders: View upcoming tasks and overdue tasks.
- Mark Task as Completed: Set a task's completion status.
- Remove a Task: Delete a task from the scheduler.
- Exit: Terminate the program.
$ python
Task Scheduler Menu:
1. Add a task
2. Show tasks
3. Check reminders
4. Mark task as completed
5. Remove a task
6. Exit
Enter your choice (1-6): 1
Enter task title: Complete Project Report
Enter due date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-07-01
Task 'Complete Project Report' added with due date 2024-07-01.