if a character is not something else, then it is letterlike
UTF-8 input is assumed everywhere.
There is an API function SafeString that will accept an array of bytes and return a "safe" string, i.e., a string that has assumed UTF-8 input with these changes:
Any invalid byte sequences are converted into [UnknownGlyph]
Any high or low surrogates are converted into [UnknownGlyph]
BOM character 0xfeff is converted into 0xe001, to allow transferring through MathLink. Related bugs: 366106
characters like [RawReturn] are a way of escaping that character
Poorly understood
Perhaps essentially unused
A good philosophy that I follow is to treat the Raw characters as escaped versions of their normal characters
[RawTab] is similar to \t, and is NOT the same as actual 0x09 character [NewLine] is similar to \n, and is NOT the same as actual 0x0a character etc.
32 bits:
Character bits (21 bits)
Sign bit
EscapeStyle bits (3 bits)
Unused (7 bits)
No attempt will be made to define or describe characters in the PUA.
The FE defines a number of PUA characters for its own internal use.
This is not a binding contract and usage, values, behavior, and stability is subject to change at any moment.