This repository contains a collection of Python programs covering various domains such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Cryptography, Blockchain, Image Processing, and Data Science. It includes implementations of key algorithms, AI models, trading strategies, and database integrations.
- Machine Learning & AI: Face recognition, speech recognition, and neural network applications.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): Implementations using Spacy and NLTK.
- Cryptography & Blockchain: Bitcoin mining and cryptographic solutions.
- Data Science & Analytics: Stock market analysis, data extraction, and processing.
- Web Development & APIs: Flask API development and database connections.
- Sorting & Algorithms: Various sorting techniques and the Levenshtein Distance algorithm.
File Name | Description |
All sorting techniques.ipynb | Implementation of various sorting algorithms |
Bitcoin mining Cryptography Blockchain.ipynb | Cryptography and Bitcoin mining concepts |
Black hole number 4 - Cosmic number solution.ipynb | Solution for the Black Hole Number 4 problem |
Connect mysql to python.ipynb | Connecting MySQL database with Python |
Data extraction Python libraries.ipynb | Data extraction methods using Python |
Distance calculation between two Geographic location locations.ipynb | Geographic distance calculation using Python |
Django Noes.ipynb | Notes and filter changes in Django |
Download Hisorical data of stocks.ipynb | Download historical stock market data using Zerodha API |
Easy OCR convert image to text.ipynb | Extract text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) |
Face Recognition Machine Learning.ipynb | Machine Learning algorithms for face recognition |
Image Processing.ipynb | Image processing techniques using Python |
Levenshtein Distance Algorithm.ipynb | Algorithm for word autocompletion and autocorrection |
Mutable immutable concept.ipynb | Explanation of mutable and immutable data types in Python |
NLP - Spacy Custom Entity Ruler.ipynb | Custom entity recognition using Spacy NLP library |
Quick Python.ipynb | General Python scripts and utilities |
Solutions.ipynb | Miscellaneous Python solutions |
Speech Recognition Libraries.ipynb | Speech recognition techniques and libraries |
Technical Indicator's of Stock market.ipynb | Stock market technical indicators |
Zerodha Live Trading.ipynb | Live trading on NSE/BSE using Zerodha API |
pandu.ipynb | Repository cleanup and maintenance |
simple api on flask.ipynb | Creating a simple API using Flask |
titanic_data.csv | Dataset used for pandas testing |
- Python
- Machine Learning (Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras)
- Natural Language Processing (Spacy, NLTK)
- Flask & API Development
- Cryptography & Blockchain
- Database Integration (MySQL, SQLite)
- Stock Market Analysis (Zerodha API)
- Image Processing (OpenCV, PIL)
- Install required dependencies:
pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn nltk spacy tensorflow flask mysql-connector-python
- Clone the repository and navigate to the project folder.
- Run the required Jupyter Notebook or Python script.
This project is open-source and available for learning and research purposes.
Developed to provide a comprehensive collection of ML, AI, and Python-based solutions.
Feel free to explore and contribute! 🚀