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Lightweight (~120KB) wrapper over the JDK's built-in HTTP server.


  • Context abstraction over HttpExchange to easily retrieve and send request/response data.
  • Fluent API
  • Static resource handling
  • Server Sent Events
  • Compression SPI
  • Json SPI
  • Virtual threads enabled by default
  • Multi-Server with any implementation of jdk.httpserver (Jetty, Robaho, built-in, etc)

Quick Start

Add dependency:


Create Server:

        .get("/", ctx -> ctx.text("hello"))
        .get("/one/{id}", ctx -> ctx.text("one-" + ctx.pathParam("id")))
            (ctx, chain) -> {
              System.out.println("before request");
              System.out.println("after request");
            (ctx, exception) -> ctx.status(500).text(exception.getMessage()))

Use with Avaje Http

If you find yourself pining for the JAX-RS style of controllers, you can have avaje http generate jex adapters for your annotated classes.

Add dependencies




<!-- Annotation processor -->

JDK 23+

In JDK 23+, annotation processors are disabled by default, you will need to add a flag to re-enable.


Define a Controller

package org.example.hello;

import io.avaje.http.api.Controller;
import io.avaje.http.api.Get;
import java.util.List;

public class WidgetController {
  private final HelloComponent hello;
  public WidgetController(HelloComponent hello) {
    this.hello = hello;

  Widget getById(int id) {
    return new Widget(id, "you got it"+ hello.hello());

  List<Widget> getAll() {
    return List.of(new Widget(1, "Rob"), new Widget(2, "Fi"));

  record Widget(int id, String name){};

This will generate routing code that we can register using any JSR-330 compliant DI:

public class WidgetController$Route implements Routing.HttpService {

  private final WidgetController controller;

  public WidgetController$Route(WidgetController controller) {
    this.controller = controller;

  public void add(Routing routing) {
    routing.get("/widgets/{id}", this::_getById);
    routing.get("/widgets", this::_getAll);

  private void _getById(Context ctx) throws IOException {
    var id = asInt(ctx.pathParam("id"));

  private void _getAll(Context ctx) throws IOException {


JSR-330 DI Usage

You can use whatever DI library you like.

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args ) {

    List<Routing.HttpService> services = // Retrieve HttpServices via DI;

Alternate HttpServer Implementations

The JDK provides an SPI to swap the underlying HttpServer, so you can easily use jex with alternate implementations by adding them as a dependency.

Eclipse Jetty

Jetty is a classic embedded server with a long and distinguished history.

Maven Central




@robaho's httpserver is a zero-dependency implementation that seems to increase performance by 10x over the built-in implementation, and 5x over Jetty in certain benchmarks.

Maven Central



See also:

  • Javalin (A lightweight wrapper over Jetty)