This python script will let the user to scrape 'n' number of codechef problems from any category/difficulty in ,as provided by the user. The functionality of the script is to gain the information regarding particular codechef problem in different PDFs.
Download the required packages from the following command in you terminal.(Make sure you're in the same project directory)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run this script,you need to have selenium installed and configure webdriver to use chrome browser in your$PATH
.You can directly download chrome driver from the link below-
Further,you can set the path to chromedriver using
driver ="/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver")
After installing all the requirements,run this command in your terminal.
This script will generate 'n' number of different PDFs in a folder to store the problem information (problem title,problem statement,test cases,problem link) separately.
Author: Smriti Raina