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A Magento2 module to harness the full power of the "Speculation Rules API" in your Magento project. It allows for easy and quick configuration, with useful features to help improve performance.


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Basecom_SpeculationRulesToolbox Module

Packagist Software License Supported Magento Versions


Speculation Rules are still an experimental browser feature. Check the browser compatibility table to see which browsers support it. Browser compatibility is ensured in this module by running a check before any scripts are appended to the DOM. Browser extensions (such as AdBlockers) can block execution.

Unleash the full potential of your website's performance with the ⚡ Speculationrules Toolbox

This module provides extensive functionality for utilizing the Speculation Rules API ( see MDN Web Docs and Chrome for Developers). Speculation rules can vastly improve the core web vitals of a website, by allowing for very fast or even instant pageloads. This is achieved by preloading relevant resources and links in advance, before the users navigates to them.

Super fast and easy to configure - with just a few clicks you can add your own custom script or utilize the powerful features of this module. Such as dynamically loading links based on a CSS-selector, a list of static custom links, or utilizing the Intersection Observer API to identify relevant link targets based on images in view.


In the context of this module, the term "preload" always refers to "speculative loading". Thus, "preload type" infers "speculative loading type". The two preload types available are prefetch and prerender.


  1. Install the module via composer

    composer require basecom/magento2-speculation-rules-toolbox
  2. Enable the module

    bin/magento module:enable Basecom_SpeculationRulesToolbox
    bin/magento setup:upgrade


The module can be enabled and configured under Stores > Configuration > Basecom > Performance > Speculation Rules Toolbox > Enable Speculation Rules. If this setting is not enabled, no preloading will occur. It is used in the layout.xml to render the parent block.

The configurations have been carefully selected to allow for fast and simple setup, while also providing enough freedom for customization.


There are a total of five different preload strategies that can be configured:

These strategies will be explained in more detail below.


Some of these strategies will apply to all pages that you visit, while others can be configured individually for the Homepage, Product Listing Page (PLP) & Search, as well as the Product Detail Page (PDP). These settings are facilitated in their respective group.

Moderate Preloading

Preload links based on the user behavior.

Adds a predefined speculation rules script. Preloads are triggered when the user hovers over a link for more than 200ms. This functionality is only available on desktop devices, as mobile users cannot provide the hover input. This is a quick and easy setting you can enable in the beginning, to improve the performance for desktop users. This is the equivalent to Hyva's implementation, which can be enabled under Stores > Configuration > Hyva Themes > Experimental > Experimental Features > Enable Prerender Speculation Rules. However, the Hyva implementation requires changes to the .phtml-template to modify the logic.


Enable: basecom_performance/speculation_rules_toolbox/moderate_enabled

Configurable for All pages
Eagerness Moderate


Setting the preload type to "prerender" provides a great synergy when used in combination with prefetching other targets.

Custom Script

Add your own custom speculation rules script to all pages.

This is mainly intended to allow for customization of missing, desired functionality. For example, you could implement your own prefetch / prerender rules based on custom data-attributes.


Enable: basecom_performance/speculation_rules/all_pages/custom_script_enabled

Configurable for All pages
Eagerness Can be configured in the custom script

Custom Links

Upon pageload, preload a user defined list of links.

Useful for providing relevant resources to the user early.


Enable (Scope): basecom_performance/speculation_rules_toolbox/{{ scope }}/custom_links_enabled

Configurable for All pages,Homepage,PLP,PDP
Eagerness Immediate

Dynamic Links

Upon pageload, dynamically preload link targets based on a user defined CSS-selector.

If the provided CSS-selector already queries a-elements, then these will be used to extract the hrefs for preloads. Alternatively you can provide a CSS-selector for any other element. The script will query the first result and look for a-elements inside manually.

Use the concurrent_preloads setting to configure the maximum concurrent preloads for desktop and mobile devices. You may want to select a lower value for mobile devices, as their bandwidth and mobile data is limited. Depending on the concurrent_preloads value for the selected device, the preloads will be limited.



For a quick and effective setup, use a CSS-selector that targets a product list container. This allows you to preload the first products, which the user is likely to navigate to, if the recommendation is useful.

Enable (Scope): basecom_performance/speculation_rules_toolbox/{{ scope }}/dynamic_links_enabled

Configurable for Homepage,PLP,PDP
Eagerness Immediate

Dynamic Intersections

Create new rules dynamically based on the visible images on the page.

Adds an observer to the page that checks for visible images in the viewport. If an image crosses the user defined threshold (in regard to both its visibility and the duration of visibility), the href is extracted and a preload is initiated. The observer only considers images which are either direct or indirect ancestors of an anchoir-element (<a href="...">).

Use the concurrent_preloads setting to configure the maximum concurrent preloads for desktop and mobile devices. You may want to select a lower value for mobile devices, as their bandwidth and mobile data is limited.

When an image intersection is detected, the script attempts to add a new script with the respective link target to the DOM. This is necessary, because we want more recent preloads to overrule existing ones, as the user is more likely to navigate to an element that is directly in view. If the amount of existing scrips is below the concurrent_preloads value for the selected device, the script is simply appended to the DOM. If the amount of existing scripts has reached the concurrent_preloads value for the selected device, the oldest entry is removed (based on the First In, First Out = FIFO-principle) and the new script is added to the DOM. The eagerness of immediate ensures that no user interaction is needed to initiate the preload.


Enable: basecom_performance/speculation_rules_toolbox/dynamic_intersections/enabled

Configurable for All pages,Homepage,PLP,PDP
Eagerness Immediate


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Licensed under the MIT license.


basecom GmbH & Co. KG


A Magento2 module to harness the full power of the "Speculation Rules API" in your Magento project. It allows for easy and quick configuration, with useful features to help improve performance.








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