Dash File Cache is a Dash extension library.
Utilities for providing convenient methods to serve cached data in Plotly-Dash or Flask.
The data cache enables the following features:
- Load a server-side file dynamically and send the file to users (the frontend).
- Support in-memory files (like
) or on-disk files (specified by a path). - Support different kinds of cache (single-thread, multi-processing, or file-based).
- A customized component helping the dashboard trigger a download event from the server side.
Intall the latest released version of this package by using the PyPI source:
python -m pip install dash-file-cache
Or use the following commands to install the developing version from the GitHub Source when you have already installed Git π¨:
git clone https://github.com/cainmagi/dash-file-cache
cd dash-file-cache
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m pip install .
The following codes show a minimal example of this package
from typing import Optional
import io
import dash
from dash import html
from dash import Input, Output
from dash_file_cache import ServiceData, CachePlain
app = dash.Dash("demo")
service = ServiceData(CachePlain(1))
app.layout = html.Div(
html.Span("Get Image:", style={"paddingRight": "0.5rem"}),
html.Button(id="btn", children="Image"),
html.Div((html.P("Cache address:"), html.P(id="addr"))),
html.Div((html.P("Cached Image:"), html.Img(id="cache"))),
Output("addr", "children"),
Input("btn", "n_clicks"),
def click_get_image(
n_clicks: Optional[int],
if not n_clicks:
return dash.no_update
addr = service.register(
R'<svg height="100" width="100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">'
R'<circle r="45" cx="50" cy="50" fill="red" /></svg>'
return addr
Output("cache", "src"),
Input("addr", "children"),
def update_cache(addr):
if not addr:
return dash.no_update
return addr
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port="8080", debug=True)
Check to see the following results:
The minimal demo |
![]() |
Check the documentation to find more details about the examples and APIs.