ChatScript Guide To Documentation
© Bruce Wilcox,
Revision 1/1/16 cs7.0
ChatScript has a lot of documentation in various manuals, so knowing what to read may seem daunting. Here is an overview.
What is ChatScript?
Overview of the design goals and abilities of CS. Not necessary to read. -
ChatScript Basic User Manual
This explains how to run CS, how to understand basic CS ideas like rules, topics, and concepts. A must starting place. -
ChatScript Tutorial
A briew step-by-step on creating a chatbot travel agent, written by a CS user. -
ChatScript Memorization
A simple explanation of how to “learn” data about the user. -
ChatScript Common Beginner Mistakes
Here are a collection of common beginner mistakes.
Bot Harry - basic bot
A brief overview of the simple Harry bot and how to make simple modifications. Potentially useful for a beginner read. -
Bot NLTK – NL analysis bot
A brief description of how to run the NLTK bot. Not useful for most people, especially if NLTK means nothing to you. -
Bot Stockpile – planner bot
A brief description of how to run the Stockpile bot. Not useful for most people. It's about planner capabilities of CS. -
Bot Postgres – postgres bot
Illustration of using Postgres database. -
Bot German
An illustration of hooking in an external pos-tagger for foreign language support.
ChatScript Advanced User Manual
Once you've master basic CS, this is the place to go next. -
ChatScript System Functions Manual
A listing of all the functions of CS. -
ChatScript Fact Manual
A discussion of how to manipulate facts in CS. -
ChatScript Json
ChatScript support for Json -
ChatScript Debugging Manual
The features of CS that support debugging, including tracing. See next manual below for Debugger. -
ChatScript Debugger
Built-in text oriented debugger. -
ChatScript Finalizing a Bot
Once you have built a bot, how to polish it and make sure it is “ready”. A bot will likely never be complete because you will want to keep improving it. -
ChatScript Overview Input to Output
An overview of the process of converting input to output. Not necessary except for really advanced users wanting the appropriate mental model. -
ChatScript Pattern Redux
A terse but detailed look at everything involving rule patterns. -
ChatScript System Variables and Engine-defined Concepts
Engine-defined Concepts. System Variables. Control over Input. Interchange Variables. -
Installing and Updating ChatScript
Installing on Windows, Mac, Linux. Updating ChatScript (advanced). -
ChatScript Engine and Private Code Manual
How the internals of the engine work and how to extend it with private code.
ChatScript ClientServer Manual
How to configure and run CS as a server. And thinking about CS on mobile. -
ChatScript External Communications
How to embedding ChatScript inside another main program, calling programs on the OS from ChatScript, and getting services via the Internet from ChatScript. -
ChatScript Amazon Server
How to install CS as a server on Amazon AWS. -
ChatScript Control Scripts
Brief overview of writing your own control scripts -
ChatScript Analytics
Debug functions that can dissect log files. -
ChatScript Document Reader
How to use CS to acquire information from a document. -
ChatScript Javascript
How to write outputmacros in Javascript and call them. -
ChatScript Mongo
How to use the Mongo db directly from CS -
ChatScript Planning
How to use CS as an HTN (hierarchical task network) planner. -
ChatScript PosParser
How to use grammar/parsing in CS patterns. -
ChatScript PostgreSQL
How to use the Postgres database directly from CS. -
ChatScript Exotica
Brief old interesting scripting tips -
ChatScript Exotica
Running CS in a language other than English.
Paper - ChatBots 102
My first paper, looking at the flaws of AIML and why I felt I could do better (before Suzette won anything). -
Paper - Pattern Matching for Natural Language
Compares CS, AIML, and Facade -
Paper - Suzette The Most Human Computer
How our first chatbot came about, won the Loebner's, and differed from AIML. -
Paper - Speaker for the Dead
Applying chatbots to manage people's accumulations of papers, photos, etc. -
Paper - Google Talk
A talk I gave at Google about my history, CS, and writing code to act out stories -
Paper - Writing a Chatbot
Useful discussion on how to think about writing a chatbot -
Paper - ARBOR_ MakingItReal
Useful discussion on how to think about writing a chatbot -
Paper - Winning 15 Minute Conversation
The conversation (1 of 2) that had our chatbot easily win best 15 minute conversation at ChatBot Battles 2012. -
Paper - Winning the Loebner's
Realities of the Loebner competition and additional ideas of english applied to chatbots -
ChatScript Training
A slide series on how CS works and how the engine works.