Welcome to the Supabase Slack Clone!
This project is a streamlined replication of Slack's key features, combining Supabase's robust backend services like authentication, database management, and real-time functionality with the frontend prowess of ReactJS and Tailwind CSS.
Our goal is to provide a full-featured chat and collaboration platform, ranging from simple messaging to advanced integrations.
The Supabase CLI provides tools to develop your project locally and deploy to the Supabase Platform. follow the steps below to install the CLI.
brew install supabase/tap/supabase
# or
brew upgrade supabase
$ supabase start
# or
$ supabase stop
To enhance readability and clarity, the features have been categorized based on their purpose:
- Auth
- Edit Profile
- Dark Mode, Light Mode
- Responsive Design
- PWA (Progressive Web App)
- Push Notifications
- Desktop Notifications
- Toast Notifications
- Desktop App
- Mobile App
- Emoji Reactions
- User Mentions
- Channle Mentions
- Threads
- Pin Messages
- Edit Messages
- Delete Messages
- Reply to Messages
- Forward Messages
- Markdown Support
- Code Block Formatting and Syntax Highlighting
- Multimedai(Image, Voice, Video) File Uploads
- Giphy Integration
- YouTube Integration
- Spotify Integration
- Twitter Integration
- GitHub Integration
- Peer to Peer Video Chat
- Group Video Chat
- Screen Sharing
- Typing Indicators
- Read Receipts
- Presence Indicators
- Unread Messages
- Unread Channels
- Unread Threads
- Unread Mentions
- Unread Reactions
- Search
- Infinite Scroll
- Date Group message Indicators
- Voice Messages
- Custom Emoji Support
- Link Previews
- Message Reactions with Custom Emojis
- Calendar Integration for Event Scheduling
- Collaboration Tools (e.g., Shared Documents, Whiteboards)