I remember the difference between Stack and Heap memory by using a simple analogy with Grandma's cookbook 👵📕.
The book has a table of contents📋, which only contains very basic (primitive) information, such as the name of the recipe and the page on which it can be found.
You can compare these simple (primitive) data by using ==
or !=
to determine whether your and my favorite dish are on the same page or not.
💡 Since this information is so simple, it fits in the table of contents or also in the Stack memory. 💡
If we stick with the cookbook 📕 example and turn to page 42, where my favorite recipe is, we come to the complex information (data).
There, we find instructions 🤓 for the individual steps to prepare the dish, the ingredients 🥦🥕🥩 needed , and there are also a few pictures of the dish 🥘.
As you can see, this information is much more complex than that in the table of contents, which is why it must be stored in Heap memory.
💡 As it is much more complicated to compare this information, we need contains()
or equals()
to determine whether the recipes are the same or not. 💡
I hope this illustrative explanation helps you understand the difference between Stack and Heap memory just as it helps me 😊