We are working on the source code documentation until, please use the root README.md for further information or check our official documentation site.
Containing all dyrector.io related proto files and generating proto packages.
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.26
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.1
For now if dependencies are installed (make, grpc, protoc) run the make all
command in the project root folder, then commit changes
- Request: Must be in the names of method arguments
- Response: Must be in the names of method returns
- Message: Must be in the names of streams
- Item: Optionally if a message is used in repeated fields
- List: Optionally if a message's main data is repeated fields
- 100-199: for non-oneof fields
- 200-999: for oneof fields usually partitioned by 100
- 1000-1999: for repeated fields (lists)
- 1: id The identifier of the resource
- 2: accessedBy The identifier (kratos Id) of the user who's requesting the resource
- 1: id The identifier of the resource
- 2: audit The timestamps and kratosIds of the last update and the creation of the resource