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Machine Learning and Digital Signal Processing for MicroPython. Provides convenient and efficient MicroPython modules, and enables MicroPython application developers to run efficient Machine Learning models on microcontroller, without having to touch any C code.

This is a TinyML library, particularly well suited for low-compexity and low-power classification tasks. It can be combined with feature preprocessing, including neural networks to address more complex tasks.

Builds on emlearn, a C99 library for Machine Learning on microcontrollers and embedded system.

scikit-learn for Microcontrollers


Minimally useful

  • Tested working on x64 (Unix port) and xtensawin (ESP32).
  • Currently broken on ARM armv6m (Cortex M0 / RP2040). Issue


  • Classification with RandomForest/DecisionTree models
  • Classification and on-device learning with K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  • Classification with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), using TinyMaix library.
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for feature preprocessing, or general DSP
  • Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters for feature preprocessing, or general DSP
  • Clustering using K-means
  • Scaling and data type transformations for array, using emlearn_arrayutils.
  • Load/save Numpy .npy files using micropython-npyfile
  • Installable as a MicroPython native module. No rebuild/flashing needed
  • Operates on standard array.array data structures
  • Models can be loaded at runtime from a file in disk/flash
  • Highly efficient. Inference times down to 100 microseconds, RAM usage <2 kB, FLASH usage <2 kB
  • Pre-built binaries available for most architectures.


  • xor_trees. A "Hello World", using RandomForest.
  • mnist_cnn. Basic image classification, using Convolutional Neural Network.
  • har_trees. Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition, using Random Forest
  • soundlevel_iir. Sound Level Meter, using Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters.


Complete documentation on ReadTheDocs.


Minimally you will need

  • Python 3.10+ on host
  • MicroPython 1.24+ running onto your device

Download repository

Download the repository with examples etc

git clone


Start with the instructions in XOR example.

Supported versions

At any given point in time, emlearn-micropython only provides pre-built binaries for one MicroPython version. In general we strongly encourage people to use the latest version. There are no long-term-support or bugfix versions, at this point. If you build from source, the current version of emlearn-micropython might also work on a couple of MicroPython versions around the time, but this is not guaranteed.

MicroPython emlearn-micropython
1.24.x master
1.24.x 0.7.0
1.23.x 0.6.0

Find architecture and .mpy version

The correct .mpy files to use depend on the CPU architecture of your microcontroller, as well as the MicroPython version.

MicroPython version .mpy version
1.23.x 6.3
1.24.x 6.3

Identify which CPU architecture your device uses. You need to specify ARCH to install the correct module version.

ARCH Description Examples
x64 x86 64 bit PC
x86 x86 32 bit
armv6m ARM Thumb (1) Cortex-M0
armv7m ARM Thumb 2 Cortex-M3
armv7emsp ARM Thumb 2, single float Cortex-M4F, Cortex-M7
armv7emdp ARM Thumb 2, double floats Cortex-M7
xtensa non-windowed ESP8266
xtensawin windowed with window size 8 ESP32

Information is also available in the official documentation: MicroPython: .mpy files

More learning resources

emlearn-micropython and emlearn has been covered in the following presentations.

  • Microcontrollers + Machine Learning in 1-2-3 (PyData Global 2024). Slides etc
  • Sensor data processing on microcontrollers with MicroPython and emlearn (PyConZA 2024). Slides etc
  • 6 years of open source TinyML with emlearn - a scikit-learn for microcontrollers (TinyML EMEA 2024) YouTube video | Slides etc
  • emlearn - Machine Learning for Tiny Embedded Systems (Embedded Online Conference 2024). Youtube video | Slides etc
  • Machine Learning on microcontrollers using MicroPython and emlearn (PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2024). Slides etc | YouTube video.

Here is an overview of resources for TinyML in general.


UCI handwriting digits

UCI ML hand-written digits datasets dataset from sklearn.datasets.load_digits. 8x8 image, 64 features. Values are 4-bit integers (16 levels). 10 classes.

Running with a very simple RandomForest, 7 trees. Reaches approx 86% accuracy. Tested on Raspberry PI Pico, with RP2040 microcontroller (ARM Cortex M0 @ 133 MHz).

Inferences per second

NOTE: over half of the time for emlearn case, is spent on converting the Python lists of integers into a float array. Removing that bottleneck would speed up things considerably.

Developing locally


These come in addition to the prequisites described above.

Make sure you have the dependencies needed to build for your platform. See MicroPython: Building native modules.

We assume that micropython is installed in the same place as this repository. If using another location, adjust MPY_DIR accordingly.

You should be using MicroPython 1.24 (or newer).


Build the .mpy native module

make dist ARCH=armv6m MPY_DIR=../micropython

Install it on device

mpremote cp dist/armv6m*/emlearn_trees.mpy :emlearn_trees.mpy

Run tests

To build and run tests on host

make check


If you use emlearn-micropython in an academic work, please reference it using:

  author       = {Jon Nordby},
  title        = {{emlearn-micropython: Efficient Machine Learning engine for MicroPython}},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.8212731},
  url          = {}