issues Search Results · repo:firebase/firebase-admin-node language:TypeScript
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infirebase/firebase-admin-node (press backspace or delete to remove)In the documentation it is stated, that it is possible to run existing DataConnect Queries Mutations from the
firebase-admin/data-connect SDK.
However in the docs it is only described how to run raw graphql ...
api: dataconnect
- 2
- Opened yesterday
- #2886
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I accidentally used instead of when setting FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_HOST.
Even though the emulator thew ...
api: auth
type: feature request
- 1
- Opened 5 days ago
- #2881
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There is no mobileLinksConfig to update the domain when
generating sign in emails.
I would like to move away from Firebase Dynamic links ...
api: auth
type: feature request
- 3
- Opened 7 days ago
- #2880
Hello, I have been going through an issue of Notifications are delivered but callbacks are not fired in flutter and
after going through so many forums, I have figured out that it is a problem with Firebase ...
api: messaging
type: feature request
- 3
- Opened 10 days ago
- #2876
[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment
- Firebase Admin SDK version: 13.2.0
- Firebase Product: FCM (auth, database, storage, etc)
- Node.js version: 22.11.0
- NPM version: 10.9.2
api: messaging
type: feature request
- 1
- Opened 13 days ago
- #2875
I m trying to export users created in a FB emulator project to import them into another emulator project and eventually
a normal FB project.
I m trying to use the importUsers() function of the ...
- 1
- Opened 15 days ago
- #2873
[READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place?
Yes, I already contacted Firebase Support but I was redirected here.
[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment
- Operating System version: Mac OS 14.3 ...
- 2
- Opened 23 days ago
- #2865
Hello I have issue when sending notification via firebase admin, some functionality doesn t working properly Original
issue link
api: messaging
- 5
- Opened 25 days ago
- #2863
Can any one please let me know the reason why this comes At least one message is required ? while calling await
There is valid payload, ...
api: messaging
- 2
- Opened on Feb 20
- #2856
- Operating System version: Mac M1 arm64
- Firebase SDK version: 13.0.1
- Firebase Product: firestore
- Node.js version: v20.18.0
- NPM version: 10.9.0
The problem
I ve class to ...
api: firestore
- 6
- Opened on Feb 13
- #2854

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