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File metadata and controls

460 lines (327 loc) · 25.6 KB


The GraphQL API is the main way to interact with FluentCI Engine.


The query type defines GraphQL operations that retrieve data from the server. For more information, see "Forming calls with GraphQL."


Creates a named sub-pipeline.

type: Pipeline

Arguments for pipeline

Name type Description
name String! The name of the pipeline.


Constructs a cache for a given cache key.

type: Cache

Arguments for cache

Name type Description
key String! A unique key to identify the cache.


Returns a file containing an http remote url content.

type: File

Arguments for file

Name type Description
url String! The URL of the file to download.


Constructs a directory object for a given path.

type: Directory

Arguments for directory

Name type Description
path String! The path of the directory to access


Constructs a file object for a given path.

Arguments for File

type: File

Name type Description
path String! The path of the file to access


Constructs a git object for a given repository URL.

type: Git

Arguments for git

Name type Description
url String! The url of the repository to access


Creates a devbox environment.

type: Devbox


Creates a devenv environment.

type: Devenv


Creates a flox environment.

type: Flox


Creates a nix environment.

type: Nix


Creates a pkgx environment.

type: Pkgx


Creates a mise environment.

type: Mise


Creates a pixi environment.

type: Pixi


Set up Google Cloud Secret Manager Client

type: SecretManager!

Arguments for googleCloudSecretManager

Name type Description
project String! Google Cloud Project name
googleCredentialsFile String! Path to the Google Credentials file


Set up AWS Secrets Manager Client

type: SecretManager!

Arguments for awsSecretsManager

Name type
region String!
accessKeyId String!
secretAccessKey String!


Set up Azure Key Vault Client

type: SecretManager!

Arguments for azureKeyvault

Name type
clientId String!
clientSecret String!
tenantId String!
keyvaultName String!
keyvaultUrl String!


Set up HashiCorp Vault Client

type: SecretManager!

Arguments for hashicorpVault

Name type
address String!
token String!
cacerts String


Create a new Secret

type: Secret!

Arguments for setSecret

Name type
name String!
value String!


Objects in GraphQL represent the resources you can access. An object can contain a list of fields, which are specifically typed.

For example, the Directory object has a field called path, which is a String.

For more information, see "Introduction to GraphQL."


Fields of the Cache object:

Name Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the cache.
key String The key of the cache.


Fields of the Devbox object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Devbox Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Devbox Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Devbox Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Devbox Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Devbox Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Devbox Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Devbox Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Devenv object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Devenv Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Devenv Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Devenv Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Devenv Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Devenv Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Devenv Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Devbox Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Directory object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
path String Path of the directory
directory path: String! Directory Returns the Directory at the path.
entries [String!]! List of entries in the directory.
devbox Devbox Setup Devbox from the directory
devenv Devenv Setup Devenv from the directory
flox Flox Setup Flox from the directory
pkgx Pkgx Setup devbox from the directory
nix Nix Setup Nix from the directory
pixi Pixi Setup Pixi from the directory
mise Mise Setup Mise from the directory
envhub Envhub Setup Envhub from the directory
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Directory Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Directory Add file at the specified path.
withWorkdir path: String! Directory Change the work directory
tarCzvf File Compress the directory to a tar gzip archive.
zip File Compress the directory to a zip archive.
withExec args: [String!]! Directory Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Directory Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Directory Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Directory Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Directory Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Envhub object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
use environment: String! Envhub Use the environment.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Envhub Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Envhub Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Envhub Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Envhub Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Envhub Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Envhub Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Envhub Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the File object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
path String Path of the file.
zip File Compress the file to a zip archive.
tarCzvf File Compress the file to a tar gzip archive.
unzip File Uncompress the zip archive.
tarXzvf File Uncompress the tar gzip archive.
md5 String Get the MD5 checksum of the file.
sha256 String Get the SHA256 checksum of the file.


Fields of the Flox object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Flox Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Flox Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Flox Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Flox Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Flox Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Flox Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Flox Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Mise object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID! Unique identifier.
branch name: String! Git! Checkout the branch.
commit String! Get the last commit hash.
tree Directory! Get the tree of the repository.


Fields of the Mise object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Mise Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Mise Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Mise Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Mise Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Mise Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Mise Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Mise Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Nix object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Nix Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Nix Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Nix Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Nix Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Nix Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Nix Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Nix Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Pipeline object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Pipeline Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Pipeline Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Pipeline Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Pipeline Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Pipeline Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Pipeline Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Pipeline Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Pixi object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Pixi Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Pixi Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Pixi Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Pixi Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Pixi Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Pixi Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Pixi Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Pixi object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
withCache path: String!, cacheId: ID! Pkgx Add Cache
withFile path: String!, fileId: ID! Pkgx Add file at the specified path.
withExec args: [String!]! Pkgx Add command to execute.
withWorkdir path: String! Pkgx Set the working directory.
withEnvVariable name: String!, value: String! Pkgx Add an Environment Variable
withSecretVariable name: String!, secret: ID! Pkgx Add an Secret Variable
asService name: String! Service Convert into a Service
waitOn port: Int!, timeout: Int Pkgx Wait on a service at a specific port to be ready
stdout String Get the standard output.
stderr String Get the standard error output.


Fields of the Secret object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
plaintext String! The value of the secret in plain text
name String! The name of the secret
mount The mount point of the secret


Fields of the Service:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.


Fields of the SecretManager object:

Name Arguments Type Description
id ID Unique identifier.
getSecret name: String [Secret!]! Download secrets from the Secret Provider