Repo based on the course "The Complete Android 14 Developer Course":
Purpose: Greet the user
Use case:
- User writes their name
- User clicks the "Click Me!" button
- The app shows a message on the bottom "Welcome [User] to our App! :)"
- Purpose: Count how many times the button was clicked
- Use case:
- User clicks the "CLICK ME!" button
- The counter gets incremented by 1 (one)
- Purpose: Convert from kg to pounds using 2.2 as conversion rate
- Use case:
- User inserts the mass in kg
- User clicks the "Convert to pounds" button
- The app displays the mass in pounds
- Purpose: Generate a Lucky Number to be shared via social media
- Use case:
- User writes their name
- User clicks the "Wish me Luck!" button
- The app displays the lucky number, with a different background (different activity)
- User clicks the "Share My Luck!" button
- User selects through which social media they would like to share the results
- Purpose: Hear the colors in French
- Use case:
- User clicks a color
- The app plays the color name in French

- Purpose: Scroll through a list of planets with their picture and number of moons
- Use case:
- User scrolls down to see the nine planets (including dwarf planet Pluto)
- The app displays the planet name, image and number of Moons
- User clicks on one planet
- The app shows a message on the bottom "Planet Name: " and the name of the planet the user clicked
- Purpose: Scroll through a list of nations with their flag and number of wins in the World Cup
- Use case:
- User scrolls down to see the listed nations
- The app displays the nation name, flag and number of World Cup wins
- User clicks on one country
- The app shows a message on the bottom "[Country Name] won the Wolrd Cup xx times", where xx is the number of World Cup wins