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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


  • In open source configure/make, instead of $INCLUDE or $C_INCLUDE_PATH, use $CPATH
  • Ex: export CPATH+=:/usr/local/mpich/3.3.1_intel18/include


... An example of distributed parallel visualization. ... Among 200x3 position data, 100x3 and 100x3 are splitted and each of two processors in paraviewl will be responsible for each block.

installation note

libunwind: ./configure --prefix /home/hpjeon/hw/libunwind

mpiP: ./configure --prefix=/home/hpjeon/hw/mpiP --with-cc=mpicc --with-f77=mpifort CFLAGS=-I/home/hpjeon/hw/libunwind/include LDFLAGS=-L/home/hpjeon/hw/libunwind/ lib --enable-collective-report-default


download all git repositories of a user

  • As of July 2024:
for i in `curl -s |grep git_url |awk '{print $2}'| sed 's/"\(.*\)",/\1/' | sed 's/git:/https:/'`; do  git clone $i;  done

Using https for git

  • When ssh key authentication fails
  • One time activity
  • Make a dummy project
  • cd some_folder
  • git pull
  • This download all the git setup as well
  • Backup activity
  • cd some_folder
  • git add *; git commit -m "my commit"
  • git push --set-upstream master
  • When total file size > 1MB, gitlab may not upload. Check configuration

git on windows

  • git from cmd window or github desktop may yield timed out, failing to download all of submodules
  • find a location like c:\TMP or shorter folder name, not c:\users....

pdsh command

  • shell command for multiple nodes
  • When there are cluster1, cluster2, ... cluster99 nodes,
  • pdsh -w cluster[1-99] uptime

ssh key renew

  • Delete or backup old .ssh folder
  • ssh-keygen;cd .ssh; echo “StrictHostKeyChecking no” > config; cat > authorized_keys; chmod 600 authorized_keys
  • Run pdsh all nodes to update ssh key

trace routing

  • Windows: tracert
  • Linux: traceroute
  • Shows time taken by gateway, b/w server and hosts