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Savant Demos, Samples and Education Materials

On this page, you can find practical examples, how-tos, publications, and other non-formal documentation links that can help you dive into Savant.

ML/AI Examples

To help novice users to dive into Savant, we have prepared several ready-to-use examples, which one can download, build and launch. In addition, every sample includes all you need to run it: the source code, models, build file, sample data, and a short which covers the purpose and gives a brief explanation. Some samples are also accompanied by the how-to guides published on the Medium portal, where one can study them step-by-step.

People Detecting, Tracking and Anonymizing (Peoplenet, Nvidia Tracker, OpenCV-CUDA)

Sample location: peoplenet_detector

Car Detection and Classification (Nvidia detectors and classifiers, Nvidia tracker)

Sample location: nvidia_car_classification

Traffic Meter

Sample location: traffic_meter

Intersection Traffic Meter

Sample location: intersection_traffic_meter

Fisheye Line Crossing

Sample location fisheye_line_crossing

Area Object Counting

Sample location: area_object_counting

Age Gender Recognition

Sample location: age gender recognition

YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation

Sample location: yolov8_seg

Facial ReID

Sample location: face_reid

License Plate Recognition

Sample location: LPR

Keypoint Detection

Sample location: keypoint_detection

Super Resolution

Sample location: super_resolution

Panoptic Driving Perception by PyTorch inference

Sample location: panoptic_driving_perception

Utility And Coding Examples

OpenCV CUDA MOG2 Background Segmentation Demo

Sample location: opencv_cuda_bg_remover_mog2

AnimeGAN Demo

Sample location: animegan

Conditional Video Processing

Sample location: conditional_video_processing

Multiple RTSP Streams Demo

A simple pipeline demonstrates how multiplexed processing works in Savant. In the demo, two RTSP streams are ingested in the module and processed with the PeopleNet model.

Sample location: multiple_rtsp

Testing RTSP Camera Compatibility

A very primitive source-sink pipeline testing that RTSP cam normally processed by NVDEC and thus, is compatible with Savant.

Sample location: rtsp_cam_compatibility_test

Multiple GigE Vision Cameras Demo

A simple pipeline demonstrates how GigE Vision Source Adapter works in Savant. In the demo video from one GigE Vision camera is passed as raw-rgba frames, and another one is passed as HEVC-encoded frames. Both streams are passed to Always-On-RTSP sinks.

Sample location: multiple_gige

Source Adapter With JSON Metadata

A demo showing how to inject ground truth metadata into frames and use them to estimate the model performance.

Sample location: source_adapter_with_json_metadata

OpenTelemetry Sample

A sample demonstrating the use of OpenTelemetry in Savant.

Sample location: telemetry

Kafka-Redis Adapters Demo

A sample demonstrating the use of Kafka-Redis adapters in Savant.

Sample location: kafka_redis_adapter

USB Camera Demo (MJPEG)

A sample demonstrating the use of USB camera producing MJPEG in Savant.

Sample location: mjpeg_usb_cam

Pass-through Processing

A sample demonstrating the use of pass-through mode in Savant.

Sample location: pass_through_processing

RT-DETR R50 Demo

A sample demonstrating the use of RT-DETR model in Savant.

Sample location: rtdetr

Auxiliary Streams

A pipeline demonstrating the use of Auxiliary Streams in Savant.

Sample location: auxiliary_streams

Original Resolution Processing

A pipeline demonstrates processing of streams at the original resolution, i.e. without scaling to a single resolution.

Sample location: original_resolution_processing