A simple pipeline demonstrates how you can add metadata to input frames using source adapter. In the demo, ground truth boxes are added to images from the COCO dataset, and a simple function evaluates IOU.
In the demo it is assumed that there is only one person in the picture and the IOU of the true box and from the Yolo detection model is calculated. The IOU value is added as a tag to the frame metadata.
Tested on platforms:
- Nvidia Turing
- Nvidia Jetson Orin family
git clone https://github.com/insight-platform/Savant.git
cd Savant
git lfs pull
Note: Ubuntu 22.04 runtime configuration guide helps to configure the runtime to run Savant pipelines.
The demo uses models that are compiled into TensorRT engines the first time the demo is run. This takes time. Optionally, you can prepare the engines before running the demo by using the command:
# you are expected to be in Savant/ directory
# you are expected to be in Savant/ directory
mkdir -p data
wget -P data https://eu-central-1.linodeobjects.com/savant-data/demo/source_adapter_with_json_metadata.zip
unzip data/source_adapter_with_json_metadata.zip -d data
rm data/source_adapter_with_json_metadata.zip
# you are expected to be in Savant/ directory
# if x86
docker compose -f samples/source_adapter_with_json_metadata/docker-compose.x86.yml up
# if Jetson. The nvv4l2decoder has a bug in the nvv4l2decoder on
# the Jetson platform so the example currently does not work correctly on that platform.
# https://github.com/insight-platform/Savant/issues/314
# docker compose -f samples/source_adapter_with_json_metadata/docker-compose.l4t.yml up module image-json-sink
# Ctrl+C to stop running the compose bundle
Note: The source adapter runs on the images directory, so when it sends all the images it will terminate. The module and sink adapter run the whole time, so they should be stopped manually.
Results will be saved in the data/results
You can use the convert_coco_to_savant.py script as a starting point to prepare your input metadata. This script reads data from the COCO dataset annotations, selects only objects with "person" label, and converts it into an input data format for the framework. A detailed description of the input JSON file format with metadata for the adapter is described in the documentation (link). Install the pycocotools library before running it.
pip install pycocotools