- Create a dedicated "Getting Started" guide with linear learning path
- Build a focused quickstart guide that's more direct than current index.md
- Add a troubleshooting/FAQ section for common issues
- Include environment setup instructions for each provider
- Add documentation guidelines to CLAUDE.md for future contributors
- Create a template for provider integration pages
- Create a template for concept pages
- Create a template for example/cookbook pages
- Ensure consistent headings and structure across all pages
- Group concepts into logical categories (core, advanced, etc.)
- Consolidate duplicate concept pages (e.g., Union and Unions)
- Create proper Tutorials index page instead of SEO placeholder
- Add clear "what's next" sections to guide through learning path
- Ensure all examples include complete import statements
- Add environment setup instructions where needed
- Standardize code formatting and comments across examples
- Include expected output for all examples
- Add documentation for Anyscale provider
- Add documentation for Databricks provider
- Create migration guides from similar libraries
- Add comparison of different modes supported by providers
- Add architectural diagrams explaining how Instructor works
- Added documentation for Anyscale and Databricks providers
- Created documentation templates for providers, concepts, and cookbooks
- Added documentation guidelines to CLAUDE.md
- Created a dedicated Getting Started guide
- Added a comprehensive FAQ
- Improved Tutorials index page
- Updated mkdocs.yml to include new pages
- Created architecture documentation with Mermaid diagrams
- Reorganized concepts into logical categories
- Created a mode comparison guide
- Added "What to Read Next" sections with recommendations
- Consolidated duplicate concept pages (Union and Unions)
- Created migration guides from similar libraries
- Created a complete feature comparison table
- Standardized documentation headings and structure
- Improved code examples with complete imports, setup, formatting, and expected outputs
- Fix critical issues (missing providers, broken links)
- Standardize templates and formats
- Improve getting started experience
- Enhance content organization
- Add detailed guides and diagrams
- All examples must include complete import statements (standard lib → third-party → local)
- Environment setup must be shown (API keys, etc.) or referenced
- Use consistent model versions (latest stable for each provider)
- Include error handling where appropriate
- Use proper type annotations
- Add docstrings for complex functions
- Show expected output in consistent format
- Specify mode explicitly when not using defaults
- Include validation checks where helpful
- Follow Black formatting conventions