This library makes use of F# computation expressions πͺβ¨ to hide some complexity of WebApplicationFactory
and provide the user with a domain specific language (DSL) for integration tests.
An "antique" C# API (π΄π½π¦π¦) is also available since v.1.1 for enhanced accessibility πΊ.
Access the documentation website for more info on how to use this library.
participant TestClient as Test
participant MainApp as App
participant DependencyApp as Dep
TestClient->>MainApp: GET /Hello
MainApp->>DependencyApp: GET /externalApi
DependencyApp-->>MainApp: Response
MainApp-->>TestClient: Response
open ApiStub.FSharp.CE
open ApiStub.FSharp.BuilderExtensions
open ApiStub.FSharp.HttpResponseHelpers
open Xunit
module Tests =
// build your aspnetcore integration testing CE
let test = new TestClient<Startup>()
let ``Calls Hello and returns OK`` () =
task {
let client =
test {
GETJ "/externalApi" {| Ok = "yeah" |}
|> _.GetFactory()
|> _.CreateClient()
let! r = client.GetAsync("/Hello")
F# is a great language, but it doesn't have to be scary to try it. Integration and Unit tests are a great way to introduce F# to your team if you are already using .NET or ASPNETCORE.
In fact you can add an .fsproj
within a C# aspnetcore solution .sln
, and just have a single F# assembly test your C# application from F#, referencing a .csproj
file is easy! just use regular dotnet add reference command.
- Search for an open issue or report one, and check if a similar issue was reported first
- feel free to get in touch, to fork and check out the repo
- test and find use cases for this library, testing in F# is awesome!!!!
- more info on F# xunit testing.
- more general info on aspnetcore integration testing if you use Nunit instead.
- aspnetcore integration testing docs in C#