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Lua Image

Learning Lua

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Release Release Release


Before learning Lua, please make sure to correctly install the following modules. (For Mac with AMD chip)

$ brew install lua                 # Lua
$ brew install luajit              # LuaJit
$ brew install luarocks            # LuaRocks
$ luarocks install luaunit         # LuaUnit
$ luarocks install busted          # Busted
$ luarocks install redis-lua       # Redis Lua

If you want to know information about a package, you can run the following command.

$ luarocks show luaunit
LuaUnit 3.4-1 - A unit testing framework for Lua
Installed in:   /opt/homebrew

        luaunit (/opt/homebrew/share/lua/5.4/luaunit.lua)
export LUA_PATH="/opt/homebrew/share/lua/5.4/?.lua;;"


To run the Lua script, navigate to the folder where your file is located and execute the following command.

$ pwd                                   # 1. Current directory

$ ls                                    # 2. Check directories
chunk    string_library

$ cd string_library                     # 3. Navigate to target directory

$ lua main.lua                          # 4. Execute lua

To run the tests, navigate to the folder where your test file is located and execute the following command.

$ pwd                                   # 1. Current directory

$ ls                                    # 2. Check directories
chunk    string_library

$ cd string_library                     # 3. Navigate to target directory

$ lua test_luaunit.lua                  # 4. Execute test(luaunit)
Ran 6 tests in 0.000 seconds, 
6 successes, 0 failures OK
$ pwd                                   # 1. Current directory

$ ls                                    # 2. Check directories
chunk    string_library

$ cd string_library                     # 3. Navigate to target directory

$ busted test_busted.lua                # 4. Execute test(busted)
11 successes / 0 failures / 0 errors / 0 pending : 0.005014 seconds

If your test uses Redis, please execute the following Docker Compose command before running the program, and ensure that the required port 6379 is not already in use to avoid any conflicts.

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:latest
      - "6379:6379"
$ docker-compose up -d