Host (Windows PC) -- Connect to Remote SSH -- Ubuntu (Running in VMware/VirtualBox) -- Docker in Ubuntu
- VS Code: connect to Remote SSH
- F1 - add Docker Compose file to workspace
- modify docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.debug.yml, Dockerfile according to backend/frontend structure
- pay attention to .vscode/launch.json & tasks.json
- create Debug configuration: python -- Remote Attach
- Debug method #1: F5 and select "Docker - Run", it will enables all run function including debug -- PROS: one click (F5) -- CONS: could not hot reload in debug mode
- Debug method #1: Right click docker-compose.debug.yml, "Compose Up". Then F5 and select "Python - Remote Attach" -- PROS: hot reload in debug mode -- CONS: two steps Note: the fastapi App is mounted at sub-directory of this site (/fastapi).
Check out the post.
Build the images and spin up the containers:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Apply the migrations:
$ docker-compose exec backend aerich upgrade
Ensure http://localhost:5000, http://localhost:5000/docs, and http://localhost:8080 work as expected.