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Azure Database for MySQL Terraform Module

Azure Database for MySQL is easy to set up, manage and scale. It automates the management and maintenance of your infrastructure and database server, including routine updates, backups and security. Enjoy maximum control of database management with custom maintenance windows and multiple configuration parameters for fine grained tuning with Flexible Server (Preview).

Resources supported

Module Usage

module "mysql-db" {
  source  = "kumarvna/mysql-db/azurerm"
  version = "1.1.0"

  # By default, this module will create a resource group
  # proivde a name to use an existing resource group and set the argument 
  # to `create_resource_group = false` if you want to existing resoruce group. 
  # If you use existing resrouce group location will be the same as existing RG.
  create_resource_group = false
  resource_group_name   = "rg-shared-westeurope-01"
  location              = "westeurope"

  # MySQL Server and Database settings
  mysqlserver_name = "mysqldbsrv01"

  mysqlserver_settings = {
    sku_name   = "GP_Gen5_16"
    storage_mb = 5120
    version    = "5.7"
    # default admin user `sqladmin` and can be specified as per the choice here
    # by default random password created by this module. required password can be specified here
    admin_username = "sqladmin"
    admin_password = "H@Sh1CoR3!"
    # Database name, charset and collection arguments  
    database_name = "demomysqldb"
    charset       = "utf8"
    collation     = "utf8_unicode_ci"
    # Storage Profile and other optional arguments
    auto_grow_enabled                 = true
    backup_retention_days             = 7
    geo_redundant_backup_enabled      = false
    infrastructure_encryption_enabled = false
    public_network_access_enabled     = true
    ssl_enforcement_enabled           = true
    ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced  = "TLS1_2"

  # MySQL Server Parameters
  # For more information:
  mysql_configuration = {
    interactive_timeout = "600"

  # Use Virtual Network service endpoints and rules for Azure Database for MySQL
  subnet_id = var.subnet_id

  # The URL to a Key Vault custom managed key
  key_vault_key_id = var.key_vault_key_id

  # Creating Private Endpoint requires, VNet name and address prefix to create a subnet
  # By default this will create a `` DNS zone. 
  # To use existing private DNS zone specify `existing_private_dns_zone` with valid zone name
  enable_private_endpoint       = true
  virtual_network_name          = "vnet-shared-hub-westeurope-001"
  private_subnet_address_prefix = [""]
  #  existing_private_dns_zone     = ""

  # To enable Azure Defender for database set `enable_threat_detection_policy` to true 
  enable_threat_detection_policy = true
  log_retention_days             = 30
  email_addresses_for_alerts     = ["", ""]

  # AD administrator for an Azure MySQL server
  # Allows you to set a user or group as the AD administrator for an Azure SQL server
  ad_admin_login_name = ""

  # (Optional) To enable Azure Monitoring for Azure MySQL database
  # (Optional) Specify `storage_account_name` to save monitoring logs to storage. 
  log_analytics_workspace_name = "loganalytics-we-sharedtest2"

  # Firewall Rules to allow azure and external clients and specific Ip address/ranges. 
  firewall_rules = {
    access-to-azure = {
      start_ip_address = ""
      end_ip_address   = ""
    desktop-ip = {
      start_ip_address = ""
      end_ip_address   = ""

  # Tags for Azure Resources
  tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = "dev"
    Owner       = "test-user"

Default Local Administrator and the Password

This module utilizes sqladmin as a local administrator on MySQL server. If you want to you use custom username, then specify the same by setting up the argument admin_username with a valid user string.

By default, this module generates a strong password for MySQL server also allows you to change the length of the random password (currently 24) using the random_password_length variable. If you want to set the custom password, specify the argument admin_password with a valid string.

mysql_setttings - Setting up your MySQL Server

This object helps you setup desired MySQL server and support following arguments.

Argument Description
sku_name Specifies the SKU Name for this MySQL Server. The name of the SKU, follows the tier + family + cores pattern (e.g. B_Gen4_1, GP_Gen5_8). Valid values are B_Gen4_1, B_Gen4_2, B_Gen5_1, B_Gen5_2, GP_Gen4_2, GP_Gen4_4, GP_Gen4_8, GP_Gen4_16, GP_Gen4_32, GP_Gen5_2, GP_Gen5_4, GP_Gen5_8, GP_Gen5_16, GP_Gen5_32, GP_Gen5_64, MO_Gen5_2, MO_Gen5_4, MO_Gen5_8, MO_Gen5_16, MO_Gen5_32.
storage_mb Max storage allowed for a server. Possible values are between 5120 MB(5GB) and 1048576 MB(1TB) for the Basic SKU and between 5120 MB(5GB) and 4194304 MB(4TB) for General Purpose/Memory Optimized SKUs.
version Specifies the version of MySQL to use. Valid values are 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0.
database_name Specifies the name of the MySQL Database, which needs to be a valid MySQL identifier.
charset Specifies the Charset for the MySQL Database, which needs to be a valid MySQL Charset.
collation Specifies the Collation for the MySQL Database, which needs to be a valid MySQL Collation.
administrator_login The Administrator Login for the MySQL Server. Required when create_mode is Default.
auto_grow_enabled Enable/Disable auto-growing of the storage. Storage auto-grow prevents your server from running out of storage and becoming read-only. If storage auto grow is enabled, the storage automatically grows without impacting the workload. The default value if not explicitly specified is true
backup_retention_days Backup retention days for the server, supported values are between 7 and 35 days.
geo_redundant_backup_enabled urn Geo-redundant server backups on/off. This allows you to choose between locally redundant or geo-redundant backup storage in the General Purpose and Memory Optimized tiers. When the backups are stored in geo-redundant backup storage, they are not only stored within the region in which your server is hosted, but are also replicated to a paired data center. This provides better protection and ability to restore your server in a different region in the event of a disaster. This is not supported for the Basic tier.
infrastructure_encryption_enabled Whether or not infrastructure is encrypted for this server. Defaults to false
public_network_access_enabled Whether or not public network access is allowed for this server. Defaults to true.
ssl_enforcement_enabled Specifies if SSL should be enforced on connections. Possible values are true and false
ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced The minimum TLS version to support on the sever. Possible values are TLSEnforcementDisabled, TLS1_0, TLS1_1, and TLS1_2. Defaults to TLSEnforcementDisabled.

Advanced Usage of the Module

mysql_configuration - Configure MySQl Server Parameters

The MySQL server maintains many system variables that configure its operation. Each system variable has a default value. System variables can be set at server startup using options on the command line or in an option file. Most of them can be changed dynamically at runtime using the SET statement, which enables you to modify operation of the server without having to stop and restart it. You can also use system variable values in expressions.

A few Supported parameters are here for your reference. you can find all these Server Paramter section in MySQL server. Also check MySQL website for more details.

Parameter name Description Parameter Type Default Value
audit_log_enabled Allow to audit the log. Valid options are ON or OFF Dynamic OFF
connect_timeout The number of seconds that the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with Bad handshake Dynamic 10
innodb_buffer_pool_size The size in bytes of the buffer pool, the memory area where InnoDB caches table and index data.Allowed value should be: 134217728-65498251264 Static 65498251264
interactive_timeout Number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it. Allowed value should be: 1-31536000 Dynamic 600
lock_wait_timeout This variable specifies the timeout in seconds for attempts to acquire metadata locks. Allowed value should be: 1-31536000 Dynamic 31536000
max_connections The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections. Allowed value should be: 10-5000 Dynamic 2500
time_zone The server time zone. Dynamic SYSTEM

MySQL Virtual Network Rule

A virtual network rule for your Azure Database for MySQL server is a subnet that is listed in the access control list (ACL) of your Azure Database for MySQL server. To be in the ACL for your Azure Database for MySQL server, the subnet must contain the Microsoft.Sql type name. To enable this feature, add a subnet_id with valid resource id.

This feature is available in all regions of Azure where Azure Database for MySQL is deployed for General Purpose and Memory Optimized servers. In case of VNet peering, if traffic is flowing through a common VNet Gateway with service endpoints and is supposed to flow to the peer, please create an ACL/VNet rule to allow Azure Virtual Machines in the Gateway VNet to access the Azure Database for MySQL server.

Data Encryption with a Customer-managed Key

Data encryption with customer-managed keys for Azure Database for MySQL enables you to bring your own key (BYOK) for data protection at rest. It also allows organizations to implement separation of duties in the management of keys and data.

Data encryption is set at the server-level. The customer-managed key is an asymmetric key stored in a customer-owned and customer-managed Azure Key Vault instance. To add you own key from key valut use variable key_vault_key_id with valid key URL.

Server Firewall Rules

Firewalls prevent all access to your database server until you specify which computers have permission. To configure a firewall, create firewall rules that specify ranges of acceptable IP addresses.

By default, no external access to your MySQL Database will be allowed until you explicitly assign permission by creating a firewall rule. To add the firewall rules to the MySQL database, specify the list of firewall_rules with valid IP addresses.

Adding Active Directory Administrator to SQL Database

Azure Active Directory authentication is a mechanism of connecting to Microsoft Azure database for MySQL by using identities in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This module adds the provided Azure Active Directory user/group to MySQL Database as an administrator so that the user can login to this database with Azure AD authentication.

By default, this feature not enabled on this module. To add the Active Directory Administrator, set the argument ad_admin_login_name with a valid Azure AD user/group login name.

Azure Active Directory authentication is only available for MySQL 5.7 and newer. Only one Azure AD administrator can be configured for a Azure Database for MySQL server at any time. Only an Azure AD administrator for MySQL can initially connect to the Azure Database for MySQL using an Azure Active Directory account.

Threat detection policy AKA Server Security Alerts Policy

Advanced Threat Detection for Azure Database for MySQL server detects anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases and it can trigger the following alerts:

  • Access from unusual location
  • Access from unusual Azure data center
  • Access from unfamiliar principal
  • Access from a potentially harmful application
  • Brute force login credentials

By default, this feature not enabled on this module. Enable threat detection policy setting up the variables enable_threat_detection_policy, log_retention_days and email_addresses_for_alerts with valid values.

Note: Enabling threat_detection_policy features on SQL servers and database going to create a storage account to keep all audit logs. Log retention policy to be configured to keep the size within limits for this storage account. Note that this module creates resources that can cost money.

Private Link to Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Private Endpoint is a network interface that connects you privately and securely to a service powered by Azure Private Link. Private Endpoint uses a private IP address from your VNet, effectively bringing the service into your VNet.

With Private Link, Microsoft offering the ability to associate a logical server to a specific private IP address (also known as private endpoint) within the VNet. Clients can connect to the Private endpoint from the same VNet, peered VNet in same region, or via VNet-to-VNet connection across regions. Additionally, clients can connect from on-premises using ExpressRoute, private peering, or VPN tunneling.

By default, this feature not enabled on this module. To create private link with private endpoints set the variable enable_private_endpoint to true and provide virtual_network_name, private_subnet_address_prefix with a valid values. You can also use the existing private DNS zone to create DNS records. To use this feature, set the existing_private_dns_zone with a valid existing private DNS zone name.

For more details: Private Link for Azure Database for MySQL

The private link feature is only available for Azure Database for MySQL servers in the General Purpose or Memory Optimized pricing tiers. Ensure the database server is in one of these pricing tiers.

Recommended naming and tagging conventions

Applying tags to your Azure resources, resource groups, and subscriptions to logically organize them into a taxonomy. Each tag consists of a name and a value pair. For example, you can apply the name Environment and the value Production to all the resources in production. For recommendations on how to implement a tagging strategy, see Resource naming and tagging decision guide.

Important : Tag names are case-insensitive for operations. A tag with a tag name, regardless of the casing, is updated or retrieved. However, the resource provider might keep the casing you provide for the tag name. You'll see that casing in cost reports. Tag values are case-sensitive.

An effective naming convention assembles resource names by using important resource information as parts of a resource's name. For example, using these recommended naming conventions, a public IP resource for a production SharePoint workload is named like this: pip-sharepoint-prod-westus-001.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
azurerm >= 2.59.0


Name Version
azurerm >= 2.59.0
random >= 3.1.0


Name Description Type Default
create_resource_group Whether to create resource group and use it for all networking resources string "false"
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which resources are created string ""
location The location of the resource group in which resources are created string ""
log_analytics_workspace_name The name of log analytics workspace name string null
random_password_length The desired length of random password created by this module string 24
subnet_id The resource ID of the subnet string null
mysqlserver_name MySQL server Name string ""
admin_username The username of the local administrator used for the SQL Server string "sqladmin"
admin_password The Password which should be used for the local-administrator on this SQL Server string null
identity If you want your SQL Server to have an managed identity. Defaults to false string false
mysqlserver_settings MySQL server settings object({}) {}
create_mode The creation mode. Can be used to restore or replicate existing servers. Possible values are Default, Replica, GeoRestore, and PointInTimeRestore string Default
creation_source_server_id For creation modes other than Default, the source server ID to use string null
restore_point_in_time When create_mode is PointInTimeRestore, specifies the point in time to restore from creation_source_server_id string null
storage_account_name The name of the storage account name string null
enable_threat_detection_policy Threat detection policy configuration, known in the API as Server Security Alerts Policy string false
email_addresses_for_alerts Account administrators email for alerts list(any) ""
disabled_alerts Specifies an array of alerts that are disabled. Allowed values are: Sql_Injection, Sql_Injection_Vulnerability, Access_Anomaly, Data_Exfiltration, Unsafe_Action list(any) []
log_retention_days Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs number 30
mysql_configuration Sets a MySQL Configuration value on a MySQL Server map(string) {}
firewall_rules Range of IP addresses to allow firewall connections map(object({})) null
ad_admin_login_name The login name of the principal to set as the server administrator string null
key_vault_key_id The URL to a Key Vault custom managed key string null
extaudit_diag_logs Database Monitoring Category details for Azure Diagnostic setting list(string) ["MySqlSlowLogs", "MySqlAuditLogs"]
enable_private_endpoint Azure Private Endpoint is a network interface that connects you privately and securely to a service powered by Azure Private Link string "false"
virtual_network_name The name of the virtual network string ""
private_subnet_address_prefix A list of subnets address prefixes inside virtual network list []
existing_private_dns_zone Name of the existing private DNS zone string null
Tags A map of tags to add to all resources map {}


Name Description
mysql_server_id The resource ID of the MySQL Server
mysql_server_fqdn The FQDN of the MySQL Server
mysql_database_id The resource ID of the MySQL Database
mysql_server_private_endpoint id of the MySQL server Private Endpoint
mysql_server_private_dns_zone_domain DNS zone name of MySQL server Private endpoints DNS name records
mysql_server_private_endpoint_ip MySQL server private endpoint IPv4 Addresses
mysql_server_private_endpoint_fqdn MySQL server private endpoint FQDN Addresses

Resource Graph

Resource Graph


Originally created by Kumaraswamy Vithanala

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