This directory contains a number of tools to handle datasets with bash
. It is far to be complete, the aim is to fast handle large dataset and apply basic operations like split, sorting, shuffling, normalizing, count classes, etc.
We host some example datasets in order to train, test and predict FastText models on the fly. To download the toy dataset please run
cd examples/dataset
The datasets will be copied in the examples/datasets
We host some example pretrained models. To download the models please run
cd examples/models
The models will be copied in the examples/models
./ ../examples/dataset/cooking_dataset.tsv ../examples/dataset 70
Dataset:cooking_dataset.tsv ratio: 70%
Training set:../examples/dataset/cooking_dataset_train.tsv samples: 10782
Test set:../examples/dataset/cooking_dataset_test.tsv samnples: 4622
You will now see for the chosen dataset file an additional train and a test file
├── cooking_dataset.tsv
├── cooking_dataset_test.tsv
├── cooking_dataset_train.tsv
To count different class labels in a csv or tsv dataset file.
$ ./ 1 ../examples/data/sms.tsv "\t"
1 ham 1002
2 spam 322
It simply count the lines of a dataset list of files.
The syntax is DATASET_FILE[*]
$ ./ ../examples/data/sms_dataset_train.tsv
1059 ../examples/data/sms_dataset_train.tsv
For multiple files, please use a placeholder:
$ ./ "../examples/data/sms*"
1324 ../examples/data/sms.tsv
265 ../examples/data/sms_dataset_test.tsv
1059 ../examples/data/sms_dataset_train.tsv
2648 total
To sort a dataset file
./ 1 ../examples/data/sms.tsv ./sms_sorted.tsv "t"
To normalize the rows of a dataset file use the syntax INPUT_DATASET_FILE OUTPUT_DATASET_FILE
$ ./ ./sms_dataset_train.tsv ./sms_dataset_train_norm.tsv
[loretoparisi@:mbploreto script]$ head -n5 sms_dataset_train.tsv
spam Urgent! call 09061749602 from Landline. Your complimentary 4* Tenerife Holiday or ?10
spam +449071512431 URGENT! This is the 2nd attempt to contact U!U have WON ?1250 CALL 09071512433 b4 050703 T&CsBCM4235WC1N3XX. callcost 150ppm mobilesvary. max?7. 50
spam FREE for 1st week! No1 Nokia tone 4 ur mob every week just txt NOKIA to 8007 Get txting and tell ur mates POBox 36504 W45WQ norm150p/tone 16+
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spam WINNER!! As a valued network customer you have been selected to receivea ?900 prize reward! To claim call 09061701461. Claim code KL341. Valid 12 hours only.
[loretoparisi@:mbploreto script]$ head -n5 sms_dataset_train_norm.tsv
spam urgent ! call 09061749602 from landline . your complimentary 4* tenerife holiday or ?10
spam +449071512431 urgent ! this is the 2nd attempt to contact u ! u have won ?1250 call 09071512433 b4 050703 t&csbcm4235wc1n3xx . callcost 150ppm mobilesvary . max?7 . 50
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spam winner ! ! as a valued network customer you have been selected to receivea ?900 prize reward ! to claim call 09061701461 . claim code kl341 . valid 12 hours only .
To randomly shuffle the rows a dataset file use the syntax INPUT_DATASET_FILE OUTPUT_DATASET_FILE
$ ./ ./sms_dataset_train.tsv ./sms_dataset_train_s.tsv
[loretoparisi@:mbploreto script]$ head -n5 sms_dataset_train.tsv
spam Urgent! call 09061749602 from Landline. Your complimentary 4* Tenerife Holiday or ?10
spam +449071512431 URGENT! This is the 2nd attempt to contact U!U have WON ?1250 CALL 09071512433 b4 050703 T&CsBCM4235WC1N3XX. callcost 150ppm mobilesvary. max?7. 50
spam FREE for 1st week! No1 Nokia tone 4 ur mob every week just txt NOKIA to 8007 Get txting and tell ur mates POBox 36504 W45WQ norm150p/tone 16+
spam Urgent! call 09066612661 from landline. Your complementary 4* Tenerife Holiday or ?10
spam WINNER!! As a valued network customer you have been selected to receivea ?900 prize reward! To claim call 09061701461. Claim code KL341. Valid 12 hours only.
[loretoparisi@:mbploreto script]$ head -n5 sms_dataset_train_s.tsv
ham Hi this is yijue
ham Huh i cant thk of more oredi how many pages do we have?
ham G.W.R
ham Up to ?... ? wan come then come lor... But i din c any stripes skirt...
ham Oh oh... Den muz change plan liao... Go back have to yan jiu again...