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C# Driver Benchmark Suite

This suite implements the benchmarks described in this spec.

Running the Driver Benchmarks

  • Run /scripts/ to download the data used for the benchmarks. Make sure to run the download script and the benchmarks from the benchmark root (directory containing this README).
  • Run dotnet run -c Release -- --driverBenchmarks which will start the benchmark runner and give you the option to select which benchmarks to run. Follow the prompts on the console (the --driverBenchmarks options runs the benchmarks using a special config for driver benchmarks). Make sure to have a mongod instance running on localhost (or you can specify a custom connection string by setting the MONGODB_URI environment variable). You can set the environment variable as an exported console variable or using the --envVars KEY:VALUE option with the command for running the benchmarks. (e.g dotnet run -c Release -- --driverBenchmarks --envVars MONGODB_URI:"ConnectionString")

You can also select the benchmarks to run directly on the command for running the benchmarks as such dotnet run -c Release -- --driverBenchmarks --filter "*BenchmarkClassName*". The benchmarks are also grouped into categories namely: BSONBench, WriteBench ReadBench, ParallelBench, SingleBench, MultiBench and DriverBench. So if you wanted to only run the WriteBench benchmarks, you can do so as follows: dotnet run -c Release -- --driverBenchmarks --anyCategories "WriteBench".

Note: You can provide multiple categories but the --anyCategories option will select benchmarks that belong to any of the categories. You can use the --allCategories option to select benchmarks that belong to all the provided categories.

You can also run the benchmarks for multiple runtimes using the --runtimes option. If multiple runtimes are specified, the first one will be used as a baseline. You will have to modify the benchmark project file to target the runtimes you want to test with.

To export the benchmark results into the format expected for evergreen, run the benchmarks with the --evergreen option. You can also specify the name of the exported file for evergreen using the --output|-o option. By default, the exported file is named evergreen-results.json. As the benchmarks run, various useful info generated by BenchmarkDotNet is output to the console.

Note: A BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts folder containing all output files (logs, exported files etc) is created after running the benchmarks.

To see the list of available options that can be passed to the benchmark runner, run dotnet run -c Release -- --help.

More information on BenchmarkDotNet can be found here.

Comparing results

There is a python script in the /scripts folder called compare-results that can be used to compare the results of different benchmark runs. The script expects json files in the format of the exported file for evergreen, so you will to have run the benchmarks with the --evergreen option to generate the evergreen results json file in order to compare different benchmark runs.

Running other Benchmarks

Other benchmarks defined in this project that are not part of the driver benchmark spec can also be run using the benchmark runner. You can do the same things as described in the Running the Driver Benchmarks section to run your benchmarks. Just omit the --driverBenchmarks option.