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OpenTok iOS Network Test Sample

This sample shows how to use this OpenTok iOS SDK to determine the appropriate audio and video settings to use in publishing a stream to an OpenTok session. To do this, the app publishes a test stream to a test session and then uses the API to check the quality of that stream. Based on the quality, the app determines what the client can successfully publish to an OpenTok session:

  • The client can publish an audio-video stream at the specified resolution.

  • The client can publish an audio-only stream.

  • The client is unable to publish.

The sample app only subscribes to the test stream. It does not subscribe to other streams in the test session. Do not use the test session for your actual call. Use a separate OpenTok session (and session ID) to share audio-video streams between clients.

Testing the app

To configure the app:

  1. Open the project in Xcode.

  2. Add the OpenTok.framework file from the OpenTok iOS SDK to the Frameworks directory.

  3. Set the following environment variables to your OpenTok API key and API secret:

    // Replace with your OpenTok API key
    static NSString* const kApiKey = @"";
    // Replace with your generated session ID
    static NSString* const kSessionId = @"";
    // Replace with your generated token
    static NSString* const kToken = @"";

    Important: You must use a unique session, with its own session ID, for the network test. This must be a different session than the one you will use to share audio-video streams between clients. Do not publish more than one stream to the test session.

    The app requires that each session uses the routed media mode -- one that uses the OpenTok Media Router. A routed session is required to get statistics for the stream published by the local client.

    You can get your API key as well as a test session ID and token at the OpenTok dashboard. However, in a shipping application, use one of the OpenTok server SDKs to generate a session ID and token.

Now you can debug the app on a supported iOS device.

The app uses a test stream and session to determine the client's ability to publish a stream that has audio and video. At the end of the test it reports one of the following:

  • Your client can publish an audio-video stream.

  • Your bandwidth can support audio only.

  • Your bandwidth is too low for audio.

Understanding the code

When the view of the main ViewController loads, it instantiates a OTNetworkTest object, defined by a class included in this sample app. The code then calls the [NetworkTest runConnectivityTestWithApiKey:sessionId:token:executeQualityTest:qualityTestDuration:delegate:self] method:

_networkTest = [[OTNetworkTest alloc] init];

[self.activityIndicatorView startAnimating];
if (kApiKey.length == 0 || kSessionId.length == 0 || kToken == 0)
    self.statusLabel.text = @"Provide api key,session id and token";
    self.activityIndicatorView.hidden = YES;
    self.statusLabel.text = @"Checking network...";
self.resultLabel.text = @"";
[_networkTest runConnectivityTestWithApiKey:kApiKey

The OTNetworkTestDelegate class connects to the test OpenTok session and publishes a test stream to the session. Upon the stream being created, the app subscribes to it, so that it can collect statistics for it.

The OTNetworkTestDelegate object sets the networkStatsDelegate property of the subscriber to itself:

_subscriber.networkStatsDelegate = self;

This delegate includes two methods:

  • [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:audioNetworkStatsUpdated:]
  • [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:videoNetworkStatsUpdated:]

These delegate messages are sent periodically to report audio and video statistics for the subscriber.

The second parameter of the [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:videoNetworkStatsUpdated:] method is a OTSubscriberKitVideoNetworkStats object, which includes the following properties:

  • videoBytesReceived -- The cumulative number of video bytes received by the subscriber.

  • videoPacketsLost -- The cumulative number of video packets lost by the subscriber.

  • videoPacketsReceived -- The cumulative number of video packets received by the subscriber.

The implementation of the [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:videoNetworkStatsUpdated:] method calculates the video bandwidth and stores it in audio video_bw property. This is based on the videoBytesReceived property of the stats object passed into the method:

- (void)subscriber:(OTSubscriberKit*)subscriber
    if (prevVideoTimestamp == 0)
        prevVideoTimestamp = stats.timestamp;
        prevVideoBytes = stats.videoBytesReceived;
    if (stats.timestamp - prevVideoTimestamp >= TIME_WINDOW)
        video_bw = (8 * (stats.videoBytesReceived - prevVideoBytes)) / ((stats.timestamp - prevVideoTimestamp) / 1000ull);

        [self processStats:stats];
        prevVideoTimestamp = stats.timestamp;
        prevVideoBytes = stats.videoBytesReceived;
        NSLog(@"videoBytesReceived %llu, bps %ld, packetsLost %.2f",stats.videoBytesReceived, video_bw, video_pl_ratio);

The [OTNetworkTest processStats:] method calculates the video packet loss ratio, stored as video_pl_ratio, or the audio packet loss ratio, stored as audio_pl_ratio, depending on the stats passed in.

- (void)processStats:(id)stats
    if ([stats isKindOfClass:[OTSubscriberKitVideoNetworkStats class]])
        video_pl_ratio = -1;
        OTSubscriberKitVideoNetworkStats *videoStats =
        (OTSubscriberKitVideoNetworkStats *) stats;
        if (prevVideoPacketsRcvd != 0) {
            uint64_t pl = videoStats.videoPacketsLost - prevVideoPacketsLost;
            uint64_t pr = videoStats.videoPacketsReceived - prevVideoPacketsRcvd;
            uint64_t pt = pl + pr;
            if (pt > 0)
                video_pl_ratio = (double) pl / (double) pt;
        prevVideoPacketsLost = videoStats.videoPacketsLost;
        prevVideoPacketsRcvd = videoStats.videoPacketsReceived;
    if ([stats isKindOfClass:[OTSubscriberKitAudioNetworkStats class]])
        audio_pl_ratio = -1;
        OTSubscriberKitAudioNetworkStats *audioStats =
        (OTSubscriberKitAudioNetworkStats *) stats;
        if (prevAudioPacketsRcvd != 0) {
            uint64_t pl = audioStats.audioPacketsLost - prevAudioPacketsLost;
            uint64_t pr = audioStats.audioPacketsReceived - prevAudioPacketsRcvd;
            uint64_t pt = pl + pr;
            if (pt > 0)
                audio_pl_ratio = (double) pl / (double) pt;
        prevAudioPacketsLost = audioStats.audioPacketsLost;
        prevAudioPacketsRcvd = audioStats.audioPacketsReceived;

The second parameter of the [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:audioNetworkStatsUpdated:] method is a OTSubscriberKitAudioNetworkStats object, which includes the following properties:

  • audioBytesReceived -- The cumulative number of audio bytes received by the subscriber.

  • audioPacketsLost -- The cumulative number of audio packets lost by the subscriber.

  • audioPacketsReceived -- The cumulative number of audio packets received by the subscriber.

The implementation of the [OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate subscriber:audioNetworkStatsUpdated:] method calculates the audio bandwidth and stores it in an audio_bw property. This is based on the videoBytesReceived property of the stats object passed into the method:

- (void)subscriber:(OTSubscriberKit*)subscriber
    if (prevAudioTimestamp == 0)
        prevAudioTimestamp = stats.timestamp;
        prevAudioBytes = stats.audioBytesReceived;
    if (stats.timestamp - prevAudioTimestamp >= TIME_WINDOW)
        audio_bw = (8 * (stats.audioBytesReceived - prevAudioBytes)) / ((stats.timestamp - prevAudioTimestamp) / 1000ull);

        [self processStats:stats];
        prevAudioTimestamp = stats.timestamp;
        prevAudioBytes = stats.audioBytesReceived;
        NSLog(@"audioBytesReceived %llu, bps %ld, packetsLost %.2f",stats.audioBytesReceived, audio_bw,audio_pl_ratio);

When the subscriber starts streaming, it sets up a timer that calls the [OTNetworkTest checkQualityAndDisconnectSession] method after the test duration (10 seconds):

- (void)subscriberDidConnectToStream:(OTSubscriberKit*)subscriber
    NSLog(@"subscriberDidConnectToStream (%@)",
    assert(_subscriber == subscriber);

        _result = OTNetworkTestResultVideoAndVoice;
        [_session disconnect:nil];
    } else
        dispatch_time_t delay = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW,
                                              _qualityTestDuration * NSEC_PER_SEC);
            [self checkQualityAndDisconnectSession];

The [OTNetworkTest checkQualityAndDisconnectSession] method checks to see if the client can support publishing video and audio, based on the video and audio bandwidth and packet loss ratio, collected by the OTSubscriberKitNetworkStatsDelegate:

BOOL canDoVideo = (video_bw >= 150000 && video_pl_ratio <= 0.03);
BOOL canDoAudio = (audio_bw >= 25000 && audio_pl_ratio <= 0.05);

The method sets a result property with the appropriate result and passes it into the [OTNetworkTest dispatchResultsToDelegateWithResult:] method, which calls the [OTNetworkTest networkTestDidCompleteWithResult:] delegate method. The view controller receives this result and displays a message in the user interface based on the result.

Note that this sample app uses thresholds based on the table in the "Thresholds and interpreting network statistics" section of the main README file of this repo. You may change the threshold values used in your own app, based on the video resolution your app uses and your quality requirements.