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Nonlinear finite element analysis.

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OpenSeesRT is a framework that provides an intuitive API for nonlinear finite element analysis, implemented in C++ through the OpenSees framework. OpenSees features state-of-the-art finite element formulations and solution algorithms, including mixed formulations for beams and solids, over 200 material models, and an extensive collection of continuation algorithms to solve highly nonlinear problems.

This package may be used as a drop-in replacement for both OpenSees.exe and OpenSeesPy (see Getting Started below), and generally provides a substantial performance boost.

This package is experimental and not yet intended for public use.


This package is independent of the openseespy library, which is documented in the OpenSees documentation website.

Getting Started

The xara package can be installed into a Python environment in the standard manner. For example, using pip:

pip install xara

There are several ways to use the xara package:

  • To execute Tcl procedures from a Python script, just create an instance of the xara.Model class and call its eval() method:

    model = xara.Model()
    model.eval("model Basic -ndm 2")
    model.eval("print -json")
  • To start an interactive interpreter run the shell command:

    python -m opensees

    To quit the interpreter, just run exit:

    opensees > exit
  • The xara package exposes a compatibility layer that exactly reproduces the OpenSeesPy functions, but does so without mandating a single global program state. To run OpenSeesPy scripts, just change the import:

    import openseespy.opensees


    import opensees.openseespy

    For true stateless modeling, the Model class should be used instead of the legacy model function; see the documentation here.


To compile the project see about/compiling


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