I am building 30 things in 30 days with vanilla JavaScript; no frameworks, libraries, etc. These are my humble solutions to the #javascript30 challenge created by @wesbos.
Table of contents (Online version π)
- JavaScript Drum Kit
- JS + CSS Clock
- CSS Variables
- Array Cardio I
- Flex Panel Gallery
- Type Ahead
- Array Cardio II
- Fun with HTML5 Canvas
- Dev Tools Domination
- Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
- Custom Video Player
- Key Sequence Detection
- Slide in on Scroll
- JavaScript References vs. Copying
- LocalStorage
- CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect
- Sort Without Articles
- Tally String Times with Reduce
- Webcam Fun
- Speech Detection
- Geolocation
- Follow Along Link Highlighter
- Speech Synthesis
- Sticky Nav
- Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling, and Once
- Stripe Follow Along Nav
- Click and Drag
- Video Speed Controller
- Countdown Timer
- Whack A Mole