- Migration commands are executed in this layer
- This layer uses models to access data from db
- Controllers are present here
- We add reference to above two layers in this project
├── DataAccess
│ ├── Context
│ │ └── WorkDBContext.cs
│ ├── Migrations
│ └── Models
│ ├── Department.cs
│ └── Employee.cs
├── CompanyService
│ ├── Interfaces
│ │ ├── IDepartmentService.cs
│ │ └── IEmployeeService.cs
│ └── Services
│ ├── DepartmentService.cs
│ └── EmployeeService.cs
├── WebAPI
│ ├── Controllers
│ │ ├── DepartmentController.cs
│ │ └── EmployeeController.cs
│ ├── Photos
│ ├── Properties
│ │ └── launchSettings.cs
│ ├── Program.cs
│ ├── Startup.cs
│ └── appsettings.json
└── ...
- Build fail because of namespace not found issues
- Reference the DataAccess.dll and CompanyService.dll for WebAPI Project from RefDll folder inside WebAPI Project
- Reference to the DataAccess.dll for CompanyService Project from same folder
- Database connection error or Object not found error
- Run Update-database command from nuget package manager console, Selecting the DataAccess Project from Dropdown of the console