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How to run Integration Tests

  • For development (controller will reconsile internally)

    • As a part of the whole testing suite just:

    make test

    • Standalone, just integration tests:

    make integration-test

  • For QE (integration/e2e testing). No OLM There are 2 environment variables to use with make command

    • USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=true tells test suite to use externally running cluster (from the current .kube/config context) instead of envtest.
    • USE_EXISTING_CONTROLLER=true tells test suite to use operator controller manager either deployed to the cluster OR (prevails if both) running locally with make [install] run command. Works only with USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=true

    So, in most of the cases

    • Make sure you test desirable version of Operator image, that's what make image-build image-push does. See Makefile what version <your-mage> has.
    • Prepare your cluster with:
      • make install deploy this will install CR and deploy Controller to backstage-system
      • make integration-test USE_EXISTING_CLUSTER=true USE_EXISTING_CONTROLLER=true

To run GINKGO with command line arguments (see use 'ARGS' environment variable. For example to run specific test(s) you can use something like:

make integration-test ARGS='--focus "my favorite test"'


Some tests are Openshift specific only and skipped in a local envtest and bare k8s cluster.

if !isOpenshiftCluster() { Skip("Skipped for non-Openshift cluster") }

Some tests are workable only in real (EXISTING) cluster and skipped in envtest.

if !*testEnv.UseExistingCluster { Skip("Skipped for not real cluster") }