This is an Arduino sketch for an ESP8266 module connected to a neopixel LED strip. It uses ArtNet to control features of the light pattern, such as the brightness and the speed. There are a number of modes implemented to make nice patterns, such as a slider that moves from one to the other side.
The Neopixel and Art-Net settings can be updated on the fly using the webinterface or like this
curl -X PUT -d '{"universe":1,"offset":0,"pixels":24,"leds":4,"white":0,"brightness":100,"hsv":0,"mode":10,"speed":8,"split":1,"reverse":0}' artnet.local/json
mode 0: individual pixel control channel 1 = pixel 1 red channel 2 = pixel 1 green channel 3 = pixel 1 blue channel 4 = pixel 1 white channel 5 = pixel 2 red etc.
mode 1: single uniform color channel 1 = red channel 2 = green channel 3 = blue channel 4 = white channel 5 = intensity (this allows scaling a preset RGBW color with a single channel)
mode 2: two color mixing channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity (this also allows to black out the colors) channel 10 = balance (between color 1 and color2)
mode 3: single uniform color, blinking between the color and black channel 1 = red channel 2 = green channel 3 = blue channel 4 = white channel 5 = intensity channel 6 = speed (number of flashes per unit of time) channel 7 = ramp (whether there is a abrubt or more smooth transition) channel 8 = duty cycle (the time ratio between the color and black)
mode 4: uniform color, blinking between color 1 and color 2 channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity channel 10 = speed channel 11 = ramp channel 12 = duty cycle
mode 5: single color slider, segment that can be moved along the array (between the edges) channel 1 = red channel 2 = green channel 3 = blue channel 4 = white channel 5 = intensity channel 6 = position (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 7 = width (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array)
mode 6: dual color slider, segment can be moved along the array (between the edges) channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity channel 10 = position (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 11 = width (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array)
mode 7: single color smooth slider, segment can be moved along the array (continuous over the edge) channel 1 = red channel 2 = green channel 3 = blue channel 4 = white channel 5 = intensity channel 6 = position (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 7 = width (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 8 = ramp (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array)
mode 8: dual color smooth slider, segment can be moved along the array (continuous over the edge) channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity channel 10 = position (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 11 = width (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array) channel 12 = ramp (from 0-255 or 0-360 degrees, relative to the length of the array)
mode 9: spinning color wheel channel 1 = red channel 2 = green channel 3 = blue channel 4 = white channel 5 = intensity channel 6 = speed channel 7 = width channel 8 = ramp
mode 10: spinning color wheel with color background channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity channel 10 = speed channel 11 = width channel 12 = ramp
mode 11: rainbow slider channel 1 = saturation channel 2 = value channel 3 = position
mode 12: rainbow spinner channel 1 = saturation channel 2 = value channel 3 = speed
mode 13: dual color letter for 8x8 RGBW neopixel array channel 1 = color 1 red channel 2 = color 1 green channel 3 = color 1 blue channel 4 = color 1 white channel 5 = color 2 red channel 6 = color 2 green channel 7 = color 2 blue channel 8 = color 2 white channel 9 = intensity channel 10 = ASCII code
You should not only write the firmware to the ESP8266 module, but also the static content for the web interface. The html, css and javascript files located in the data directory should be written to the SPIFS filesystem on the ESP8266. See for example and for instructions.
You will get a "file not found" error if the firmware cannot access the data files.
This Arduino sketch includes a data
directory with a number of files that should be uploaded to the ESP8266 using the SPIFFS filesystem uploader tool. At the moment (Feb 2024) the Arduino 2.x IDE does not support the SPIFFS filesystem uploader plugin. You have to use the Arduino 1.8.x IDE (recommended), or the command line utilities for uploading the data.