Kubernetes (K8S) is one of the most popular container orchestration tools available nowadays. It is available on all major cloud providers, which makes it easy to create a k8s cluster with a few clicks.
However, I believe is it important to learn how to install k8s from scratch, you can learn a lot just from the installation process. I am going to walk through how to install k8s from scratch in a development enviroment, using Linux container. Installation is further automated with Ansible.
- Prerequisite
- Getting Started
- Installing the Client Tools
- Provisioning Compute Resources
- Provisioning the CA and Generating TLS Certificates
- Generating Kubernetes Configuration Files for Authentication
- Generating the Data Encryption Config and Key
- Bootstrapping the etcd Cluster
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Control Plane
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Worker Nodes
- Configuring kubectl for Remote Access
- Provisioning Pod Network Routes
- Deploying the DNS Cluster Add-on
- Smoke Test
- Cleaning Up
git clone https://github.com/sayems/kubernetes.resources.git
Navigate to k8s-the-hard-way
$ cd kubernetes.resources/k8s-the-hard-way
Now run the following command to start the Linux Container:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Now, wait for Linux
container to be ready. This might take a while to complete.
After the LXD box has started you can login to the Linux Container to verify that it is running..
lxc exec loadbalancer bash
lxc exec controller-1 bash
lxc exec controller-2 bash
lxc exec controller-3 bash
lxc exec worker-1 bash
lxc exec worker-2 bash
lxc exec worker-3 bash
Now, exit
from Linux Container by executing exit
command in the terminal.
ansible -m ping all | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
The cfssl
and cfssljson
command line utilities will be used to provision a PKI Infrastructure and generate TLS certificates.
You can install cfssl
and cfssljson
with Homebrew by running the following command:
brew install cfssl
The kubectl command line utility is used to interact with the Kubernetes API Server.
You can install kubectl
with Homebrew by running the following command:
brew install kubernetes-cli