I will keep adding tutorials and scripts in python to provide basic ideas of different Cyber Security Concepts.
Stay Tuned!
Almost all of the codes requires the basic knowledge of a Python Class
- Dictionary Attack [Code] [Blog Post]
- Keylogger [Code] [Blog Post]
- Virus [Code] [Blog Post]
- Worm [Code] [Blog Post]
- Backdoor [Server] [Client] [Blog Post]
- Ransomware [Code] [Blog Post]
- Network Reconnaissance [To be added...]
- Honeypot [To be added...]
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS) [Code]
- Deceptive Contents using Faker [Code] [Blog Post]
- Symmetric/Asymmetric Key Cryptography [Code] [Blog Post 1] [Blog Post 2]
All codes are very basic and can be used only for educational purposes.
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