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📝 Flutter Quill Test

Test utilities for flutter_quill which include methods to simplify interacting with the editor in test cases.

📚 Table of contents

💾 Installation

Add the dependencies flutter_test and flutter_quill_test:

flutter pub add 'dev:flutter_test:{"sdk":"flutter"}'
flutter pub add dev:flutter_quill_test

🧪 Testing

To aid in testing applications using the editor an extension to the flutter WidgetTester is provided which includes methods to simplify interacting with the editor in test cases.

🛠️ Utilities

This package provides a set of utilities to simplify testing with the QuillEditor.

First, import the test utilities in your test file:

import 'package:flutter_quill_test/flutter_quill_test.dart';


Entering Text

To enter text into the QuillEditor, use the quillEnterText method:

await tester.quillEnterText(find.byType(QuillEditor), 'test\n');

Replacing Text

You can replace text in the QuillEditor using the quillReplaceText method:

await tester.quillReplaceText(find.byType(QuillEditor), 'text to be used for replace');

Removing Text

To remove text from the QuillEditor, you can use the quillRemoveText method:

await tester.quillRemoveText(
  TextSelection(baseOffset: 2, extentOffset: 3),

Moving the Cursor

To change the selection values into the QuillEditor without use the QuillController, use the quillUpdateSelection method:

await tester.quillUpdateSelection(find.byType(QuillEditor), 0, 10);

Full Example

Here’s a complete example of how you might use these utilities in a test:

import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart';
import 'package:flutter_quill_test/flutter_quill_test.dart';

void main() {
  testWidgets('Example QuillEditor test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final QuillController controller = QuillController.basic();
    await tester.pumpWidget(
        home: QuillEditor.basic(
          controller: controller,
          config: const QuillEditorConfig(),

    await tester.tap(find.byType(QuillEditor));
    await tester.quillEnterText(find.byType(QuillEditor), 'Hello, World!\n');
    expect(controller.document.toPlainText(), 'Hello, World!\n');

    await tester.quillMoveCursorTo(find.byType(QuillEditor), 12);
    await tester.quillExpandSelectionTo(find.byType(QuillEditor), 13);

    await tester.quillReplaceText(find.byType(QuillEditor), ' and hi, World!');
    expect(controller.document.toPlainText(), 'Hello, World and hi, World!\n');

    await tester.quillMoveCursorTo(find.byType(QuillEditor), 0);
    await tester.quillExpandSelectionTo(find.byType(QuillEditor), 7);

    await tester.quillRemoveTextInSelection(find.byType(QuillEditor));
    expect(controller.document.toPlainText(), 'World and hi, World!\n');

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