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Creating a New Graphical Datasheet using the Template

The template was created for those that are not using Python to generate the cells on a Graphical Datasheet. The template is also formatted and includes logos, legend, lines, and text for the product title, SKU and features.

  1. In the Template folder, open the 2-SparkFun_Graphical_Datasheet-Template.svg.
  2. Save as a new file based on the development board. You may need to place the file in a new folder.
  3. Replace the AzureWave Thing Plus AW-CU488 Development Board. If necessary, create a rectangle object over the board. Under Object > Objects... Then highlight the rectangle and product photo. Right click on the layers and select Set Clip.. This will "crop" the image without deleting any of the original image.
  4. Fill in the pin labels with the microcontroller's pin function. If possible, try to group the pins in the same column.
  5. Adjust the cell color based on the pin function. Select the cell(s) and change the Fill & Stroke's RGBA under Object > Fill and Stroke...
    • Note: Check out the Color Table below!
  6. In the objects, hide any unused text and cells.
    • Note: While you can delete each unused text and cell, you will need to duplicate the objects and re-align it with the rest of the pins if a pin functionality was missing.
  7. Update the legend.
  8. Select the group of cells and lines and align them with the development board pinout.
    • Note: Careful when resizing and adjust the font. The text can be hard to read if it is too small.
  9. Adjust the product name, SKU, and features.
  10. If necessary, draw additional lines and label any parts of the board that you would like to highlight (i.e. buttons, connectors, ICs).
  11. Add any additional images of the board (i.e. jumpers, ICSP, SWD pins) that you would like to highlight.
  12. Move any objects (i.e. logos, features, legend) around so that the layers are not overlapping over each other.
    • Note: If necessary, add a second page if there is not enough room on the page! Type in a corner the page number as well so users are aware of an additional page (i.e. 1/2 or 2/2).

Looking for inspiration or need to grab cells from a different Graphical Datasheet? Check out some of the graphical datasheets below:

Or check out PJRC's Teensy pinout reference cards or Arduino's pinout diagrams.

Color Table

Pin Text Font Color Hex and Alpha Values Cell Color Hex and Alpha Values
Name Black 000000ff White (with Gray Outline) ffffffff
Power Black 000000ff Red ff4949ff
Ground White ffffffff Black 000000ff
Control Black 000000ff Yellow ffff4dff
Port Black 000000ff Grey b3b3b3ff
Arduino Pin Reference Black 000000ff Light Green b3d9b2ff
ADC Black 000000ff Purple cb99ccff
UART Black 000000ff Blue 4286f5ff
I2C Black 000000ff Dark Orange ff7007ff
SPI Black 000000ff Light Orange fabd03ff
Ext Int Black 000000ff Light Yellow fffeb1ff
PC Int White ffffffff Forest Green/Dark Green 34a853ff
USB White ffffffff Hunter Green 005544ff
CAN Black 000000ff Pink ffdfe5ff
Audio Black 000000ff Turquoise 46bdc6ff
Misc Black 000000ff Lavender/Light Purple cdcefeff