The template was created for those that are not using Python to generate the cells on a Graphical Datasheet. The template is also formatted and includes logos, legend, lines, and text for the product title, SKU and features.
- In the Template folder, open the 2-SparkFun_Graphical_Datasheet-Template.svg.
- Save as a new file based on the development board. You may need to place the file in a new folder.
- Replace the AzureWave Thing Plus AW-CU488 Development Board. If necessary, create a rectangle object over the board. Under Object > Objects... Then highlight the rectangle and product photo. Right click on the layers and select Set Clip.. This will "crop" the image without deleting any of the original image.
- Fill in the pin labels with the microcontroller's pin function. If possible, try to group the pins in the same column.
- Adjust the cell color based on the pin function. Select the cell(s) and change the Fill & Stroke's RGBA under Object > Fill and Stroke...
- Note: Check out the Color Table below!
- In the objects, hide any unused text and cells.
- Note: While you can delete each unused text and cell, you will need to duplicate the objects and re-align it with the rest of the pins if a pin functionality was missing.
- Update the legend.
- Select the group of cells and lines and align them with the development board pinout.
- Note: Careful when resizing and adjust the font. The text can be hard to read if it is too small.
- Adjust the product name, SKU, and features.
- If necessary, draw additional lines and label any parts of the board that you would like to highlight (i.e. buttons, connectors, ICs).
- Add any additional images of the board (i.e. jumpers, ICSP, SWD pins) that you would like to highlight.
- Move any objects (i.e. logos, features, legend) around so that the layers are not overlapping over each other.
- Note: If necessary, add a second page if there is not enough room on the page! Type in a corner the page number as well so users are aware of an additional page (i.e. 1/2 or 2/2).
Looking for inspiration or need to grab cells from a different Graphical Datasheet? Check out some of the graphical datasheets below:
- SparkFun Thing Plus (NORA-W306)
- SparkFun Thing Plus (AW-CU488)
- SparkFun RedBoard Plus (ATmega328P)
- SparkFun Thing Plus (RA6M5)
- SparkFun Thing Plus (ESP32)
- SparkX BlackBoard Artemis
Or check out PJRC's Teensy pinout reference cards or Arduino's pinout diagrams.
Pin | Text Font Color | Hex and Alpha Values | Cell Color | Hex and Alpha Values |
Name | Black | 000000ff | White (with Gray Outline) | ffffffff |
Power | Black | 000000ff | Red | ff4949ff |
Ground | White | ffffffff | Black | 000000ff |
Control | Black | 000000ff | Yellow | ffff4dff |
Port | Black | 000000ff | Grey | b3b3b3ff |
Arduino Pin Reference | Black | 000000ff | Light Green | b3d9b2ff |
ADC | Black | 000000ff | Purple | cb99ccff |
UART | Black | 000000ff | Blue | 4286f5ff |
I2C | Black | 000000ff | Dark Orange | ff7007ff |
SPI | Black | 000000ff | Light Orange | fabd03ff |
Ext Int | Black | 000000ff | Light Yellow | fffeb1ff |
PC Int | White | ffffffff | Forest Green/Dark Green | 34a853ff |
USB | White | ffffffff | Hunter Green | 005544ff |
CAN | Black | 000000ff | Pink | ffdfe5ff |
Audio | Black | 000000ff | Turquoise | 46bdc6ff |
Misc | Black | 000000ff | Lavender/Light Purple | cdcefeff |