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A PowerShell module for managing data in Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL databases and Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Pool.


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A PowerShell module for managing data in Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL databases and Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Pool.

The core feature is ability to find desired subset from the database and that feature has following properties:

  • No limitation on database or subset size
  • No limitation on primary key size. It can handle tables with any size of primary key (e.g. even with 8 columns and any types)
  • No limitation on foreign key size. It can handle tables with any size of foreign key (e.g. even with 8 columns and any types)
  • Heavy processing done on the server side (Azure SQL, Microsoft SQL Server or Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Pool)
  • Memory usage:
    • on PowerShell side related to number of tables (rather very small, benchmark to be provided)
    • on SQL Server or Azure SQL side dependent on server configuration

Use cases

SqlSizer can help with:

  • getting the database object model that you can use to implement your own data management logic
  • copying data:
    • schemas/tables/subsets to the same or different database or to Azure BLOB storage
  • creating databases:
    • without data
    • with a subset of data from the original database
  • comparing data:
    • comparing only data that you are interested in
  • extracting data:
    • to CSV, JSON
  • importing data:
    • from JSON
  • removing:
    • subsets (in efficient way)
    • schemas
    • tables
  • editing schema of database:
    • enabling / disabling / editing table foreign keys
    • enabling / disabling triggers
  • testing data consistency
    • testing foreign keys
  • data integrity verification


There are two algorithms used in SqlSizer:

  • a variation of Breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm with multiple sources
  • a variation of Depth-first search (DFS) algorithm with multiple sources

Both can be applied to the relational database data to find the desired subset.

How to find subset you need

  • Step 1: Provide configuration

    • Queries that define initial data (the table rows with colors)
    • (Optional) Color map that allow to configure colors for the data and limits
  • Step 2: Execute Find-Subset cmdlet to find the subset you want

  • Step 3: Copy data to new db or just do your own processing of the subset

Color map

The colors defines rules which related data to the rows will be included in the subset.

The initial data has colors and also you can adjust colors of the data during search using color map.

At the moment there are following colors:

  • Red: find referenced rows (recursively)
  • Green: find dependent and referenced rows (recursively, there is also an option to adjust this behavior)
  • Yellow: split into Red and Green
  • Blue: find rows that are required to remove that row (recursively)
  • Purple: find referenced (recursively) and dependent data on the row (no-recursively)



Install-Module sqlserver -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module dbatools -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module Az -Scope CurrentUser


Run the following to install SqlSizer-MSSQL from the PowerShell Gallery.

To install for all users, remove the -Scope parameter and run in an elevated session:

Install-Module SqlSizer-MSSQL -Scope CurrentUser

Before running scripts:

Import-Module SqlSizer-MSSQL


Please take a look at examples in Examples folder.

Sample 1 (on-premises SQL server)

$server = "localhost"
$database = "AdventureWorks2019"
$username = "someuser"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pass" -AsPlainText -Force

# Create connection
$connection = New-SqlConnectionInfo -Server $server -Username $username -Password $password

# Get database info
$info = Get-DatabaseInfo -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection

# Start session
$sessionId = Start-SqlSizerSession -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info

# Define start set
# Query 1: 10 persons with first name = 'John'
$query = New-Object -TypeName Query
$query.Color = [Color]::Yellow
$query.Schema = "Person"
$query.Table = "Person"
$query.KeyColumns = @('BusinessEntityID')
$query.Where = "[`$table].FirstName = 'John'"
$query.Top = 10
$query.OrderBy = "[`$table].LastName ASC"

# Init start set
Initialize-StartSet -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -Queries @($query) -DatabaseInfo $info -SessionId $sessionId

# Find subset
Find-Subset -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info -FullSearch $false -UseDfs $false -SessionId $sessionId

# Get subset info
Get-SubsetTables -Database $database -Connection $connection -DatabaseInfo $info -SessionId $sessionId

# Create a new db with found subset of data
$newDatabase = "AdventureWorks2019_subset_John"
Copy-Database -Database $database -NewDatabase $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection
$infoNew = Get-DatabaseInfo -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection

Disable-ForeignKeys -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Disable-AllTablesTriggers -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Clear-Database -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Copy-DataFromSubset -Source $database -Destination $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info -SessionId $sessionId
Enable-ForeignKeys -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Enable-AllTablesTriggers -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Format-Indexes -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew
Compress-Database -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection
Test-ForeignKeys -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $infoNew

$infoNew = Get-DatabaseInfo -Database $newDatabase -ConnectionInfo $connection -MeasureSize $true

Write-Verbose "Subset size: $($infoNew.DatabaseSize)"
$sum = 0
foreach ($table in $infoNew.Tables)
    $sum += $table.Statistics.Rows

Write-Verbose "Logical reads from db during subsetting: $($connection.Statistics.LogicalReads)"
Write-Verbose "Total rows: $($sum)"
Write-Verbose "==================="

Clear-SqlSizerSession -SessionId $sessionId -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info

# end of script

Sample 2 (Azure SQL database)

## Example that shows how to a subset database in Azure

# Connection settings
$server = ""
$database = "##db##"

$accessToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl

# Create connection
$connection = New-SqlConnectionInfo -Server $server -AccessToken $accessToken

# Get database info
$info = Get-DatabaseInfo -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection

# Start session
$sessionId = Start-SqlSizerSession -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info

# Define start set

# Query 1: 10 top customers
$query = New-Object -TypeName Query
$query.Color = [Color]::Yellow
$query.Schema = "SalesLT"
$query.Table = "Customer"
$query.KeyColumns = @('CustomerID')
$query.Top = 10

# Init start set
Initialize-StartSet -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -Queries @($query) -DatabaseInfo $info -SessionId $sessionId

# Find subset
Find-Subset -Database $database -ConnectionInfo $connection -DatabaseInfo $info -FullSearch $false -UseDfs $false -SessionId $sessionId

# Get subset info
Get-SubsetTables -Database $database -Connection $connection -DatabaseInfo $info -SessionId $sessionId

Schema visualizations





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