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SVAR Svelte DataGrid | Data Table

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SVAR DataGrid is an advanced Svelte component that enhances standard data tables, enabling you to create high-performance, feature-rich data grids that efficiently handle large data sets. Fully customizable, it supports inline editing with a variety of cell editors to meet diverse project requirements.

SVAR Svelte DataGrid - Screenshot

✨ Key Features

  • High performance (virtual scrolling and dynamic loading)
  • In-cell editing with different cell editors (datepicker, combo, select, rich select, etc.)
  • Sorting by multiple columns
  • Responsive design to adapt to different screen/container sizes
  • Multiple row selection
  • Fixed columns
  • Expandable/collapsible columns
  • Customizable tooltips for grid cells
  • Context menu
  • Tree-like structure
  • Paging
  • Export to CSV
  • Keyboard navigation
  • RestDataProvider for easy backend data binding
  • Dark and light skins

🛠️ How to Use

To use SVAR DataGrid, simply import the package and include the component in your Svelte file:

	import { Grid } from "wx-svelte-grid";

	const data = [
			id: 12,
			name: "Alex Brown",
			year: 1974,
	const columns = [
			id: "name",
			header: "Title",
			flexgrow: 1,
			sort: true,
			editor: "text",
			id: "year",
			header: "Year",
			width: 100,
			sort: true,
			editor: "text",

<Grid {data} {columns} />

For further instructions, see the detailed how-to-start guide.

💻 How to Modify

Typically, you don't need to modify the code. However, if you wish to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Run yarn to install dependencies. Note that this project is a monorepo using yarn workspaces, so npm will not work
  2. Start the project in development mode with yarn start

✅ Run Tests

To run the test:

  1. Start the test examples with:
    yarn start:tests
  2. In a separate console, run the end-to-end tests with:
    yarn test:cypress

💬 Need Help?

Join our community forum to get help or post feature requests.