Welcome to the MERN JavaScript Project Showcase a single comprehensive website dedicated to presenting a diverse and dynamic collection of projects powered by the MERN (MongoDB Express React Node.js) stack. This platform is designed to be a one-stop destination for developers learners and tech enthusiasts to explore a wide array of web applications tools and solutions all developed using the MERN stack.
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Diverse Project Portfolio: Explore a rich array of projects including web applications APIs and full-stack solutions each demonstrating the capabilities of the MERN stack.
- In-Depth Documentation: Every project is accompanied by detailed documentation offering insights into its features architecture and usage.
- Search and Filter: Easily find projects by name category technology stack or specific features making it simple to discover projects aligned with your interests.
- ontributions: Contribute your own MERN stack projects to the showcase allowing others to learn from and be inspired by your work.
- Community Interaction: Engage with the MERN development community by discussing projects sharing feedback asking questions and fostering collaboration.
1. Fork the repo
2. clone the repo
git clone url
3. sync always
git sync
4. Go to main folder
cd 1Application-frontend
5. Install dependencencies
npm install
6. start the server
npm run dev
We appreciate your interest in contributing to the JavaScript Project Showcase. To ensure a smooth and collaborative experience for everyone please follow these guidelines:
Before You Start :
Fork the Repository: To get started fork the repository to your GitHub account.
Clone the Repository:
After forking clone the repository to your local machine using git clone.
Stay Updated:
Regularly sync your forked repository with the main repository using git sync. This keeps your fork up-to-date with the latest changes.
Contributing a Project
**Create a New Branch: Always create a new branch for your contribution. Use a descriptive name for the branch like feature/new-project or fix/bug-fix.
**Project Documentation: Ensure that your project comes with detailed documentation. This should include instructions on how to set up and run the project locally.
**Code Quality: Maintain good code quality by adhering to best practices and coding standards. Ensure your code is clean and well-documented.
**Testing: If applicable provide unit tests for your code to maintain its stability.
**Respect Licensing: Ensure that your project complies with open-source licenses. Only contribute projects for which you have the rights and permissions.
**No Spamming: Do not add spammy offensive or irrelevant content to the showcase. Contributions should be meaningful and useful to the community.
******Submitting a Pull Request
**Open a Pull Request: When you are ready to submit your contribution open a pull request to the main repository.
**Clear Description: Provide a clear and concise description of your project or contribution. Include the purpose features and any additional information that would be helpful.
**Review and Feedback: Be open to feedback and discussions during the review process. Your contribution may be refined based on community input.
**License Agreement: By contributing you agree that your work will be licensed under the project's open-source license.
**No Plagiarism: Do not submit projects that are not your own and always give credit to sources when necessary.
**Maintain Respect: Be respectful and professional when communicating with other contributors and maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
**Community Interaction
Engage Responsibly: Participate in discussions and collaborate with other community members respectfully and constructively.
No Harassment or Spam: Do not engage in harassment spam or any form of disruptive behavior. Report any such behavior to the maintainers.
Share Your Feedback: Share your feedback questions and suggestions with others to help improve the showcase.Technologies used in the project:
- Javascript
- React
- Express
- Rest Api's