This template allows you to create an NFT Collection using Solidity and thirdweb.
Tools used in this template:
Solidity, Hardhat, and thirdweb deploy to develop, test, and deploy our smart contract.
thirdweb Typescript and React SDKs to interact with our smart contract
Run the Application:
To run the web application, change directories into application
cd application
Then, run the development server:
npm install # Install dependencies first
npm run dev
Visit the application at http://localhost:3000/.
This template has two components:
- The smart contract development in the contract folder.
- The web application in the application folder.
Let's explore how the NFT Collection Smart Contract works in this template!
Our contract implements a base contract and also a contract extension::
base contract provides ERC-721A features. -
extension provides role-based restrictions on who can call specific functions.
As you can see in the contract definition:
import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/base/ERC721Base.sol";
import "@thirdweb-dev/contracts/extension/PermissionsEnumerable.sol";
contract MyAwesomeNft is ERC721Base, PermissionsEnumerable {
By implementing these contract extensions, we unlock powerful features on the dashboard and the SDK!
Let's take a look at those now.
When we deploy our contract we unlock the NFTs tab!
This allows us to easily view all of the NFTs that have been minted into our contract, who owns them, as well as their metadata.
Not only that, we get a Mint button to create new NFTs into this contract!
This allows us to simply fill out a form with our NFT information, and mint that NFT on the dashboard, no code required. The metadata we upload is automatically uploaded and pinned to IPFS for us behind the scenes!
When we go to build out our web application, we can then mint an NFT in one line of code, thanks to this contract extension.
await, nftMetadata);
This one line will upload our NFT metadata to IPFS, and then mint the NFT on the blockchain.
In the SDK, we can query all NFTs that have been minted, and get their metadata, and who they are owned by in one line:
const nfts = await contract.nft.query.all();
To deploy the MyAwesomeNft
contract, change directories into the contract
cd contract
Use thirdweb deploy to deploy the contract:
npx thirdweb deploy
Complete the deployment flow by clicking the generated link and using the thirdweb dashboard to choose your network and configuration.
Inside the home page of the web application, connect to your smart contract inside the useContract
// Get the smart contract by it's address
const { contract } = useContract("0x..."); // Your contract address here (from the thirdweb dashboard)
We configure the desired blockchain/network in the _app.js
file; be sure to change this to the network you deployed your contract to.
// This is the chainId your dApp will work on.
const activeChainId = ChainId.Goerli;
Now we can easily call the functions of our NFT Collection contract
that we enabled by implementing thirdweb's contract extensions.
Here, we are using the useNFTs
hook to view all the NFTs in the contract, and the useMintNFT
hook to mint a new NFT!
// Read the NFTs from the contract
const { data: nfts, isLoading: loading } = useNFTs(contract?.nft);
// Function to mint a new NFT
const { mutate: mintNft, isLoading: minting } = useMintNFT(contract?.nft);
With the help of a few other useful hooks such as useAddress
and useNetwork
, we first make sure they are connected to the correct blockchain/network. Then, we allow them to mint an NFT when they click the Mint NFT
async function mintAnNft() {
// Ensure they have a connected wallet
if (!address) {
// Make sure they're on the right network
if (isWrongNetwork) {
metadata: {
// Name of our NFT
name: "Yellow Star",
// Image of a gold star stored on IPFS
// Send it to the connected wallet address
to: address,
// When the transaction is confirmed, alert the user
onSuccess(data) {
alert(`๐ Successfully Minted NFT!`);
To perform a "write" operation (a transaction on the blockchain), we need to have a connected wallet, so we can use their signer to sign the transaction.
To connect a user's wallet, we use one of thirdweb's wallet connection hooks. The SDK automatically detects the connected wallet and uses it to sign transactions. This works because our application is wrapped in the ThirdwebProvider
, as seen in the _app.js
const address = useAddress();
const connectWithMetamask = useMetamask();
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