Structs are deallocated from memory automatically, but there is a caveat when it comes to recursive types: the same type within the same type; this must be handled by the programmer, using instructions like extract
and free
, manually. Since structs will always be allocated to the heap.
// Struct definition
public struct MyStruct {
size i64
length i32
matter bool
// Struct native construction
public struct MyStruct {
size i64
length i32
matter bool
fn main() {
var some_struct: MyStruct = new MyStruct {
matter true
length 12
size 12312
// Struct methods
public struct MyStruct {
size i64 // Always public field
length i32
matter bool
for MyStruct {
// Struct constructor
fn new(): self {
// Public method
public fn dealloc(): void {
@internal dealloc(this);
// Private method
fn set_size(new_size :: i64): void {
this.size = new_size;
// Struct method access
public struct MyStruct {
size i64 // Always public field
length i32
for MyStruct {
// Struct constructor
fn new(): self {
// Public method
public fn dealloc(): void {
@internal dealloc(this);
// Public method
public fn set_length_and_size(length :: i64, size :: i64): void {
this.length = length;
// Private method
fn set_size(new_size :: i64): void {
this.size = new_size;
fn main() {
var some_struct: MyStruct =;
some_struct.set_length_and_size(0, 0);