This folder contains all the unit tests for pyTigerGraph. The test_pyTigerGraph*
files are tests for the core functions, and the test_gds_*
files are tests for the GDS functions.
Most unit tests need an accessible TigerGraph database with a specific graph. Not all tests work with all the versions of DB. To simplify the testing environment, a few docker images for the DB is provided at tginternal/ml-qa-db
(permission required), which has all the data pre-loaded. It is also used by our CI/CD pipeline.
If you need to manually prepare a DB for testing, run the testserver.gsql
script to create the graph for testing core functions (via the gsql
command line tool; GraphStudio cannot be used.) The script will create a graph called "tests" and will populate it with various object types and some data.
About testing data for the GDS functions, please contact one of the maintainers.
The test suite (obviously) need to connect to a TigerGraph instance. The unit tests first look for
a configuration file called testserver.json
and if it exists, the configuration parameters in it
will be used. If the file cannot be found then hardcoded defaults will be applied.
This configuration file is a simple json file with DB configs. The following keys are used:
- host (str)
- graphname (str)
- username (str)
- password (str)
- restppPort (str, )
- gsPort (str, int)
- gsqlVersion (str)
- useCert (boolean)
- certPath (str)
- sslPort (str, int)
- gcp (boolean)
See testserver.json
for a template/example.
"host": "",
"graphname": "tests",
"username": "tigergraph",
"password": "tigergraph",
"gsqlSecret": "",
"restppPort": "9000",
"gsPort": "14240",
"gsqlVersion": "",
"userCert": None,
"certPath": None,
"sslPort": "443",
"tgCloud": False,
"gcp": False,