Fix(bigquery): preserve time zone info in FORMAT_TIMESTAMP roundtrip
Fix(bigquery): preserve time zone info in FORMAT_TIMESTAMP roundtrip
Feat(tsql): allow MERGE to be used in place of a subquery
Feat(tsql): allow MERGE to be used in place of a subquery
docs: update API docs, for v26.11.1 [skip ci]
docs: update API docs, for v26.11.1 [skip ci]
Fix(optimizer): handle TableFromRows properly in annotate_types
Fix(optimizer): handle TableFromRows properly in annotate_types
docs: update API docs, for v26.11.0 [skip ci]
docs: update API docs, for v26.11.0 [skip ci]
Fix(clickhouse)!: parse parameter key as Var instead of Identifier
Fix(clickhouse)!: parse parameter key as Var instead of Identifier
Force push
Fix(clickhouse)!: parse parameter key as Var instead of Identifier
Fix(clickhouse)!: parse parameter key as Var instead of Identifier
fix(parser): Fix separator generation for STRING_AGG
fix(parser): Fix separator generation for STRING_AGG
Fix: apply unpivot alias string conversion only for UNPIVOT
Fix: apply unpivot alias string conversion only for UNPIVOT
fix(snowflake): Fix parsing multi-part format name
fix(snowflake): Fix parsing multi-part format name
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…
Pull request merge
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…
Force push
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…
fix!: do not expand having expressions if they conflict with a projec…