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  • Machine: darwin arm64 | 8 vCPUs | 32.0GB Mem
  • Node: v18.19.0
  • Run: Mon Feb 05 2024 07:39:14 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
  • Method: autocannon -c 100 -d 10 -p 10 localhost:3000 (two rounds; one to warm-up, one to measure)
Version Router Requests/s Latency Throughput/Mb
fastify 3.29.4 71505.5 13.48 12.75
koa 2.13.4 60188.0 17.46 10.73
nest-fastify 8.4.3 55904.9 20.59 9.97
fastify-injector 3.29.4 55235.2 17.60 12.59
express-injector 4.18.1 18922.9 52.23 4.31
express 4.18.1 17795.2 55.56 3.17
nest 8.4.3 17642.8 71.10 4.24
fastify-big-json 3.29.4 15840.7 62.44 182.26
express-morgan 4.18.1 13839.4 77.28 2.47
tsed-express 7.61.0 N/A N/A N/A
tsed-koa 7.61.0 N/A N/A N/A


The benchmark shows a performance difference between the frameworks. We note that Ts.ED is often last. In fact, Ts.ED uses features useful to a production application which reduce its performance.

For example, Ts.ED initializes a sandbox (async_hook) for each request in order to work in an isolated context if necessary. It also initializes the elements necessary for monitoring requests in a log manager.

All this at a necessary cost that reflects the reality of a production application ;)