HTTP server written on C++ which support HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 (over QUIC)
This project in development!!!
This HTTP server need to make easy develop web applications
, API-interfaces
and other things.
So many important utils will be supported out of the box, for example, JSON
, MySQL-client
, PostgreSQL-client
, JSON-masks
, Big Int
, modules
, plugins
For compile this project, you need to install below projects:
- OpenSSL 3.3.1 or greater
- zlib 1.3.1 or greater
- gmp 6.3.0 or greater
- libev 4.33-3 or greater
- curl 8.8.0-1 or greater
pacman -S gmp openssl libev zlib libevdev curl
paru -S gmp openssl libev zlib libevdev curl
No support
No support
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release ...
int main () {
auto ctx = manapi::async::context::create();
auto db = std::make_shared<manapi::ext::pq::connection>(ctx);
auto router = std::make_shared<manapi::net::http::server> (ctx);
{"pools", manapi::json::array({
{"address", ""},
{"http_version", "2"},
{"transport", "tls"},
{"partial_data_min_size", 0},
{"tls_version", "1.3"},
{"implementation", "openssl"},
{"port", "8888"},
{"ssl", {
{"cert", "../examples/self-signed-ssl/cert.crt"},
{"key", "../examples/self-signed-ssl/cert.key"},
{"enabled", true}
{"tcp_no_delay", true}
{"cache_dir", "/tmp/manapi_http/cache/"},
{"save_config", false}
router->GET ("/", [cnt = std::make_shared<std::atomic<int>>(0)] (decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) mutable -> manapi::future<> {
co_return resp.text(std::format("Hello World! Count: {}", cnt->fetch_add(1)));
router->GET("/+error", [](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
{"status_code", std::to_string(resp.status_code())},
{"status_message", std::string{resp.status_message()}}
co_return resp.file ("../examples/error.html");
router->POST("/+error", [](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
co_return resp.json({{"error", resp.status_code()},
{"msg", std::string{resp.status_message()}}});
router->GET("/cat", [&ctx](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
auto fetch = co_await manapi::net::fetch2::fetch (ctx, "", {
{"enable_ssl_verify", false},
{"enable_alpn", true},
{"method", "GET"}
if (!fetch->ok()) {
co_return resp.json ({{"error", true}, {"message", "fetch failed"}});
auto data = co_await fetch->json();
co_return resp.text(std::move(data["description"].as_string()));
router->GET("/pq", [db, mx = std::make_shared<manapi::async::mutex>(ctx)](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
auto lk = co_await mx->lock_guard();
/* The pool of database connections here / That example is so slow */
auto res = co_await db->exec("SELECT id, str_col FROM for_test WHERE id > $1", 0);;
std::string content;
for (const auto &row: res) {
content += std::to_string(row["id"].as<int>()) + " - " + row["str_col"].as<std::string>() + "<hr/>";
co_return resp.text(std::move(content));
router->GET("/proxy", [](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
co_return resp.proxy("");
router->GET("/video", [](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
co_return resp.file("/home/Timur/Downloads/VideoDownloader/ufa.mp4");
router->GET("/stop", [ctx](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
/* stop the app */
co_await ctx->stop();
co_return resp.text("stopped");
router->GET("/timeout", [ctx](decltype(router)::element_type::req req, decltype(router)::element_type::resp resp) -> manapi::future<> {
/* stop the app */
co_await manapi::async::delay{ctx, 10000};
co_return resp.text("10sec");
manapi::async::run(ctx, [router, db] () -> manapi::future<> {
co_await db->connect("address", "port", "username", "password", "db");
co_await router->start();
return 0;
- Tested on Hyprland Arch Linux x86_64 kernel 6.9.3-zen1-1-zen wayland